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Messages - willis

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Kent Lookup Requests / Re: Gillham Family in Otford
« on: Wednesday 13 April 11 16:18 BST (UK)  »
Where was Hernry born ?


Kent Lookup Requests / Re: Gillham Family in Otford
« on: Saturday 01 January 11 21:02 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Casalguidi

         Thanks for that. Its the spelling that got me.


Kent Lookup Requests / Gillham Family in Otford
« on: Saturday 01 January 11 18:05 GMT (UK)  »
Hi All

        Can anyone help me find the parents and siblings of my 4x Great Grandfather. He was Thomas Gillham and was born in Otford in 1787.

Essex Completed Lookup Requests / Re: hanningfield marriages COMPLETE THANK YOU
« on: Monday 29 March 10 19:51 BST (UK)  »
Yes and hope I did not offend you. Was just looking for help.

Essex Completed Lookup Requests / Re: hanningfield marriages COMPLETE THANK YOU
« on: Monday 29 March 10 18:58 BST (UK)  »
Thank you so much for finding them. No wonder I had so much trouble. Mary Ann was my Great Great Grandmother.

Essex Completed Lookup Requests / Re: hanningfield marriages COMPLETE THANK YOU
« on: Monday 29 March 10 16:40 BST (UK)  »
Fair enough I did butt in but this Hanningfield thing has been causing me problems for years.

Essex Completed Lookup Requests / Re: hanningfield marriages COMPLETE THANK YOU
« on: Monday 29 March 10 16:07 BST (UK)  »
I am glad someone thinks its complete "Thank You" but I was still hoping for an answer.

Essex Completed Lookup Requests / Re: hanningfield marriages
« on: Saturday 27 March 10 18:02 GMT (UK)  »
I have now noticed that I never have found the family on the 1851. Can you give me a clue ?

Essex Completed Lookup Requests / Re: hanningfield marriages
« on: Saturday 27 March 10 17:29 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks for looking. The marriage is still a mystery but I was only aware of three daughters so that has been a great help.

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