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Messages - winston

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 6 ... 327
Afternoon all,

as my title suggests is it possible for anyone to see if on the 1911 and 1901 census if the address of 530 Halifax Road Hightown Liversedge West Riding shows up and if possible let me have the details for the 5 properties before and after. Please

Census Lookup and Resource Requests / Re: Census Address look up without a name
« on: Thursday 06 November 14 14:31 GMT (UK)  »
Cheers Pauline thanks for the info  :D

Census Lookup and Resource Requests / Census Address look up without a name
« on: Thursday 06 November 14 14:03 GMT (UK)  »
Afternoon all,

as my title suggests is it possible for anyone to see if on the 1911 and 1901 census if the address of 530 Halifax Road Hightown Liversedge West Riding shows up and if possible let me have the details for the 5 properties before and after. Please

Census Lookup and Resource Requests / Re: census look up
« on: Sunday 02 November 14 19:11 GMT (UK)  »
thankyou to you both

Census Lookup and Resource Requests / census look up
« on: Sunday 02 November 14 16:26 GMT (UK)  »
It's been a while since I was doing look ups for others and now I dont have access to the resources to  do it myself. would someone be kind enough to remind me and check to see if Clubs like working men's club were listed on Census or not.

The one I'm after in particular is Hightown Liberal Club on Halifax Road at Hightown Heights, Liversedge/Cleckheaton West Yorkshire.  I have no name I just want to know if they imputed who was here on the day or not.

Thanks to anyone in advance


Yorkshire (West Riding) / Re: Elsie Peaker GI Bride help please
« on: Monday 28 March 11 06:21 BST (UK)  »

good to read the update.  I'm no photo wiz of any kind but hopefully the first photo can be seen below in a bigger view.

Isle of Man / Re: George Robert Stephenson
« on: Wednesday 15 September 10 20:08 BST (UK)  »
for those trying to follow/help Barbara as well here are the details for Mary Clayton nee Stephenson as seen in the 1901 census

Thomas Clayton bn 1872 bn Heworth Durham on the 1911 states born Embleton Northumberland

Mary Clayton bn 1876 Embleton Northumberland on the 1911 she states born Gateshead

Thomas rbt Clayton bn 1898 Durham City
Mgt Jane Clayton bn 1901

Isle of Man / Re: George Robert Stephenson
« on: Wednesday 15 September 10 06:29 BST (UK)  »
Hi Barbara

I've sent you a personal message.

Isle of Man / Re: George Robert Stephenson
« on: Tuesday 14 September 10 06:27 BST (UK)  »
I'm curious, when and where was your Thomas Clayton born and the same for Mary Stephenson?

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