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Messages - winston

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 5 ... 327
Yorkshire (West Riding) / Re: where can i get information
« on: Sunday 12 March 17 18:43 GMT (UK)  »
Hello Gill

Snoopy hasn't been seen on boards since 2014 lets hope they get notifications still and you can help each other


Yorkshire (West Riding) Lookup Requests / Re: Mary Kirby 1770 aprox
« on: Sunday 26 June 16 13:51 BST (UK)  »

try this link then and use edit and find work Kirby it will if it loads properly take you directly to the paragraph -  but may not give you any more info -

If this one doesn't work let me know


Yorkshire (West Riding) Lookup Requests / Re: Rev Harcourt N. T. Busfield
« on: Monday 13 June 16 07:34 BST (UK)  »

If you reply to my private message  I can forward the image that Ashe used to gain info from the Army sheet for dates and names of his children


Yorkshire (West Riding) / Re: 1871 Census Sheffield
« on: Friday 27 November 15 06:36 GMT (UK)  »
Hi William,

Selina is not my relative I was merely a bystander helping find records for DS who was the one who needed a bit of help at the time - but yes if there is anything I can help with please ask by making a fresh post - if your able to that is

Lancashire Lookup Requests / Re: W J GREGSON Blackpool Photographer
« on: Thursday 08 October 15 09:27 BST (UK)  »

Just found the Photographer on the latest census available to us

Willie James Gregson 46 bn Douglas Isle of Man Photographer
Anne Gregson 59? bn Bradford Artist

Their address at this point is indeed 92 Talbot Road, Blackpool, Lancs

not what ur looking for but in the 1851 census George Bingle Clements oldest two children  William and Mary are listed with a Mary Stephens and shows as being Nephew and Niece to head of house that being Mary - so that marriage that was found for him could be the one

Census and Resource Discussion / Re: 1911 census
« on: Sunday 16 November 14 18:54 GMT (UK)  »
Gadget - Thanks for that but sadly doesn't give the full info I need to go to a payable partner site

Rosie - I dont get out much and sadly my Free sign up to the payable sites ran out before I found him in the last census available on there

Census and Resource Discussion / Re: 1911 census
« on: Sunday 16 November 14 11:02 GMT (UK)  »
dont matter then scratching backs doesn't come into it

Census and Resource Discussion / 1911 census
« on: Sunday 16 November 14 08:35 GMT (UK)  »
Please could someone see where this man is living on the 1911 census

Robert Ellis bn 1885 Liversedge.

I've done a quick check on the Free search and he appears to be shown as Robert Ellis Ellis with the same details as above.

Thanks in advance

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