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Messages - leighton

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Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: 1930 USA Census
« on: Friday 17 June 11 13:36 BST (UK)  »
I agree that Barnes is the most likely, but why does the letter r extend down to the letter o of Roberson?

I thought perhaps Baynes.

Anyway, thanks for your input.

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / 1930 USA Census
« on: Thursday 16 June 11 16:51 BST (UK)  »
Can anyone help me read the names of the family at number 47 please?
It is from a 1930 Census in Georgia, USA

I can make out:
Jones Rhodie
??? Sarah
Roberson Willie F.

What is Sarah's surname?


Family History Beginners Board / Re: Ship Tamaya from Glasgow 1886
« on: Sunday 29 May 11 15:19 BST (UK)  »
Hello nc,

The Tamaya (Official Number 45444) was built and registered in Liverpool in 1862. She was an iron hulled sailing barque of 570 tons.

You can follow her progress from Glasgow and around the Australian ports from the newspaper articles at this web site:

In the 1880's, I would have expected that passengers would rather travel to Australia by steam ship than sailing ship.


The Common Room / Re: Merchant Navy ancestor help
« on: Saturday 19 March 11 14:24 GMT (UK)  »
Hello me2you

You may have more success at this site, I have found them very helpful:


Family History Beginners Board / Re: Falkirk, Denny and Dennyloanhead
« on: Friday 10 December 10 15:17 GMT (UK)  »
Hello John

Transcriptions of the Denny and Dennyloanhead Cemeteries are available from The Scottish Genealogy Society. The following transcription may be one of yours, it is from Dennyloanhead:

6 tall
Wm Russell 4.12.1834 age 73, wife Eliz Cleland 19.8.1831 age 58 by sons J & J R.
John Russell d Seamores 14.7.1889 age 84, wife Agnes Hay 29.11.1875 age 72.

Photographs of the memorial stones may also be available at this site:


The Common Room / Re: Making census
« on: Monday 06 December 10 14:42 GMT (UK)  »
The 1911 census was held on the 2 April 1911.

I understood that it would not be available to the public until after 100 years, ie April 2011.


Scotland / Re: Death at Sea
« on: Thursday 16 September 10 15:33 BST (UK)  »

Occupation Interests / Re: Patten Makers
« on: Monday 13 September 10 15:34 BST (UK)  »
Hello jakky,

I have a branch of my family from Carlisle who were described as Clog and Patten Makers. They were mentioned in various Trade Directories from 1829 and also in the census records until 1861.

Perhaps a patten was a cheaper type of clog.


The Common Room / Re: Tracing a Ship/Vessel
« on: Monday 06 September 10 14:19 BST (UK)  »
Hello farmeroman,

Perhaps this is your ship:

Official Number:   2681
Built:   Sunderland 1853
Type:   Sail
Tonage:   118 tons   

The details can be found at this website:

If you google the name of the ship together with it's official number, you may find more information about her.


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