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Messages - leighton

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The Common Room / Re: Merchant Navy records online?
« on: Tuesday 24 August 10 15:23 BST (UK)  »
Hello truebritmega,

This site is also very good for merchant navy queries:


The Common Room / Re: Merchant Navy
« on: Friday 06 August 10 13:17 BST (UK)  »
Hello cadfael,

This site gives the ship's official number when you enter the ship's name.

I had my father's Certificate of Continuous Discharge Book. Therefore, knowing the ships he sailed on, I was able to obtain the ship Movement Cards from the National Archives. These gave details of the voyages made by the ships during WW2 and also the cargos carried. I also obtained the ships logs. Some of the logs also contained the crew list. It's amazing the amount of information held by the National Archives. But, watch out, it can become expensive, especially if you are interested in several ships.


The Common Room / Re: lloyds register
« on: Monday 19 July 10 15:07 BST (UK)  »
Hello again suedym,

Is this your crew list?

It gives a transcription of the crew list and also the passengers. It is also possible to download a copy of teh original document.


The Common Room / Re: lloyds register
« on: Saturday 17 July 10 14:12 BST (UK)  »
Hello suedym,

The clip site works for me. Once you enter the name of the ship and click search, the original page reappears. However, If you then scroll down that page you will see the results.


Scotland / Re: 1825 Trial Papers For Transported Convict Help
« on: Wednesday 28 April 10 16:36 BST (UK)  »
Hello Flickgirl

I also have trial papers spread over a two year period.

The accused was bailed to appear for trial in Aberdeen in 1835. However, he failed to appear and was outlawed and "put to the horn".

He was eventually apprehended and the trial went ahead almost exactly a year later in 1836. Hence the second batch of papers.

The charge against him was "assault to the effusion of blood and danger of life". He was found guilty and got three months imprisonment. Your seven years transportation sentence seems very severe.


Lanarkshire / Re: 1881 census on Scotlands People
« on: Monday 12 April 10 14:37 BST (UK)  »
Hello Rosemary Joan,

You are not the only one with this problem for Dalziel. I found my grandmother's family on the 1881 census at ancestry, but no sign of them on the LDS discs or sp.

Samuel and Janet Brown, both aged 30 and their four children are at North Motherwell Farm.

Parish:   Dalziel,   Ed:   8,   Page:   45,   Household:   224, Roll:   cssct1881_212.


Aberdeenshire / Re: Union Street, 1930
« on: Sunday 21 March 10 15:23 GMT (UK)  »
Hello VikkiC

I have a book of photographs of Aberdeen that contains a view the Bon Accord Hotel from 1939. However, the hotel was in Market Street, not Unio Street.

If you want a copy of the photograph, send me a pm with an e-mail address and I can sent one to you


Canada / Re: Refused Entry into Canada
« on: Monday 08 March 10 11:25 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks for that JJ.

Trachoma fits perfectly into the newspaper report. It was probably just a mistake by the reporter of the time. I had no idea trachoma was such a problem in those days. Even today it seems to be still causing serious concern worldwide. I found that second report you mentioned particularly interesting.

The contagious nature of the illness explains the action of the immigration officials.  It was a tragedy for those two girls to be refused entry into Canada and sent back to Liverpool. I wonder if they were then returned to Sweden? 


Canada / Refused Entry into Canada
« on: Saturday 06 March 10 15:42 GMT (UK)  »
I was reading a Canadian newspaper report from 1902 of a migrant ship arriving in Halifax, Canada from Liverpool. There was a  United States immigration inspector based in the port. He refused to allow four of her passengers to land, as they were declared to be suffering from tranconia. Two of the cases were young girls from Sweden. They had broken up their home to go to friends in Minnesota, were without English and had very little means. All four were sent back on board the ship, to be returned to Liverpool.

Would these two girls really have been sent back to Liverpool and just dumped on the quayside to fend for themselves, or would the ship’s captain put them ashore in Canada when no one was looking? Why were there no inspectors in the British ports to check the passengers prior to sailing? Surely that would have been a better solution.

Also, what is tranconia? I cannot find any reference to it. Perhaps it has something to do with a trance. Maybe epilepsy or catalepsy?


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