- Posts:
- 1,558 (0.203 per day)
- Personal Text:
- Profile
- Gender:
- Female
- Age:
- 79
- Location:
- Lancashire
- Date Registered:
- Wednesday 07 January 04 21:36 GMT (UK)
- Local Time:
- Friday 17 January 25 11:03 GMT (UK)
- Last Active:
- Tuesday 26 November 24 22:23 GMT (UK)
Surname Interests:
Braithwaite,Roney,Hartley,Jackson,Reed, Cumberland /Westmorland .Livesey,Hartley,Taylor,Sefton,Harrison,Knowles,Lancashire.Bottomley,Schofield,Woodhouse ,Hobson ,Norcliffe and Hartley West Yorkshire.Bottomley Dumfrieshire and Lanarkshire.Pinder ,Warwickshire.Kisby ,CambridgeshireCensus information is Crown Copyright,from www.nationalarchives.gov.uk