The Common Room / Re: Your New RootsChat is here
« on: Saturday 22 December 12 13:08 GMT (UK) »Phew thanks - the notification emails haven't been able to keep up and it was taking an age to catch up.Quote... I have read about 17 pages of this thread ...
A quick tip for all newcomers to this topic, and for "oldcomers" who want to re-read it ...
Click on the "print" button at the top or bottom right of the topic. This won't actually print it but will display the whole topic on one page (in a printable format). You won't see any images, but there aren't that many on this topic so that shouldn't be a problem.
Excellent to know that. Is this Print button a new feature, or have I been asleep for seven years?
I'm pretty sure it's always been there.
You can also try scrolling to the very bottom of the screen and click on WAP2 and see what you get then

That's a version for mobiles with no graphics capabilities.