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Messages - Nick29

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Technical Help / Re: Upgrade to Windows 8 for £24.99 (offer ends 31/01/2013)
« on: Saturday 22 December 12 10:13 GMT (UK)  »
A friend of mine has upgraded one of his PCs to Windows 8, and he's having a lot of trouble getting drivers for some of his hardware.  Windows 8 was written primarily for tablets and PCs with touch screens, and if you haven't got one of these, I'd advise that you wait for Windows 9  :)

The Common Room / Re: Your New RootsChat is here
« on: Saturday 22 December 12 07:48 GMT (UK)  »
The poor appearance of the smaller red-brown font seems to be (for me) on Google CHrome and that at least appears OK on Firefox

Please see my post in the Tech forum on how to change the settings in the different browsers  :)

The Common Room / Re: copy right of old family photos,
« on: Saturday 22 December 12 07:44 GMT (UK)  »
If your photos were taken before the 1960s then there is NO copyright on them, per se.
Copyright on photos didn't exist before then.

The only copyright you can claim is the way you display them on your website.
But, as others have said, it is hard to stop people from downloading them, anyway.

Dawn M

Take care !  Copyright laws vary from country to country !   :o

The Common Room / Re: copy right of old family photos,
« on: Saturday 22 December 12 07:41 GMT (UK)  »
Of course asking this question opens a new can of worms ....... did you have the rights to post the photo in the first place ?  ;D

The Lighter Side / Re: Unusual Baby Names of 2012
« on: Friday 21 December 12 23:14 GMT (UK)  »
... especially when Benny Hill started making fun of the name too  ::)

Wasn't it Arthur Haynes (with Nicholarse Parsons)?

That's probably why 'our' Nick chooses to call himself by the shortened version of his name  :D :D :D

I'd rather have that than what my father was lumbered with....... Horace !   ;D

London and Middlesex / Re: Andrews Newspaper Index Cards question
« on: Friday 21 December 12 23:13 GMT (UK)  »
Glad to be of help  :)

The Common Room / Re: Your New RootsChat is here
« on: Friday 21 December 12 23:03 GMT (UK)  »
Things are settling in, Trystan :)

Still having the photo upload problem....not only do get the "same filename" message, but I cannot change the filename in my photo editor. Says the name cannot be changed because the file is in use by another user. Which it is not. And when you're posting to Ye Inne and your filename is something like ye-meade-ande-sweetmeates1, you know there probably isn't really another photo with the same filename :P ;D

What's going on??


I think you're seeing a 'problem' that has always been there.  In the old forum, if you previewed a post which had an attachment, it would not accept the file name again when the Post button was used.  The 'other user' which is using your file is your browser.  You will need to close that down before you can re-name the file. 

Thanks for the suggestions, Arthur.  All 3 popular Windows browsers can be set to do more or less the same things - it's just the way that you get there that differs.   I have my browsers set up to use Verdana as the default font - it's my favourite font.

The Common Room / Re: Your New RootsChat is here
« on: Friday 21 December 12 15:25 GMT (UK)  »
Quote from: Nick29
On other forums that I frequent (not genealogical ones, I might add), the forum somehow remembers where I'd got to in the individual threads.

Now "tried and tested" ...

If I am looking at something in the "New replies" list and I click on the title, I get taken to the first or last reply, depending how I set that in my profile
  • Show most recent posts at the top.

If I click on the "new" button, then I am taken to the first new reply since I last looked at this topic.

Now if anybody asks, I can tell them what to do, but I've only just learnt that myself today, thanks to Nick's comment :)

Thanks for that, Bob.  I think we all suffer from a very similar syndrome - we know the position of the buttons that we use on a regular basis, rather than the names of the buttons themselves.  Rather like entering your PIN at the cash machine - your brain remembers the pattern of the keys, rather than the numbers.  I'm sure when we all get more familiar with the layout, our enjoyment will improve  :)

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