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Messages - Stanza

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Aberdeenshire / Re: William Robb, Mary & James Kelman/Kellman
« on: Tuesday 19 June 07 17:29 BST (UK)  »
Many thanks, Monica - these are the right people!

Now all i need to do is track down James - possibly he changed his name to Robb at some time, so I'll go looking down that track.

Aberdeenshire / Re: Isobel/Isabella Gatt
« on: Tuesday 19 June 07 13:17 BST (UK)  »
JAP, Hume24

Thanks to you both for information. I'm going to guess that the lady hume24 mentions is "my" Isabella, as she's listed on the census record a few lines away from "Andrew Simpson", with the correct age and occupation for her husband-to-be.

On the 1841 census is also an Isabella Gatt (age 25) who is a FS (female servant?) at Logie in the parish of Gamrie. Interestingly, this Isabella Gatt is shown with an "N" in the column suggesting she was NOT born in Banff county. There is a tick in the final column, but I don't know what that means (the column is headed "Whether Foreigner or whether Born in England or Ireland"

Aberdeenshire / Re: William Robb, Mary & James Kelman/Kellman
« on: Tuesday 19 June 07 12:52 BST (UK)  »

Not a daft question, as I said I'm new to this so it's quite possible I miss the obvious.

I have done searches on the 1891 and 1901 census, and also the statutory death registers, using the website but without success.

I guess they may well have left Scotland, but maybe someone can come up with another suggestion?

Fife / Re: Which Agnes Grub?
« on: Tuesday 19 June 07 12:42 BST (UK)  »

Thanks for this, very helpful.

I do appreciate there could be lots of other Agnes Grubs but in the absence of any record of them (so far anyway) I'm choosing to assume that "my" Agnes is one of the two listed.

I hadn't found the birth of George and Margaret's daughter Agnes' oldest son John (thanks for this), but had already concluded that she was the more likely candidate on the basis of her age, and also as one of her sons was George. I'm glad that (even with your caveats!) a RootsChat aristocrat seems to agree with me. :)

I had looked at the OPR records on the scotlandspeople website, but they don't really add anything.

Aberdeenshire / Re: Isobel/Isabella Gatt
« on: Monday 18 June 07 23:31 BST (UK)  »
Thanks, it's possible she shaved a couple of years off her age so that she wasn't seen as being older than Andrew when they got married!

I can't find this Isabel Gaat in the 1841 census, but of course she had married Andrew in September 1841 (as Isabel Gatt) so maybe that's why - do you know when the census was taken?

Aberdeenshire / Isobel/Isabella Gatt
« on: Monday 18 June 07 23:12 BST (UK)  »
I'm trying to establish the parents and/or exact birth of Isobel (or Isabella) Gatt, who was born 1815 (approx) in  Aberdour parish, married Andrew Simpson in 1841,lived in Rathen and died in Fraserburgh in 1900.

Her death certificate shows her parents to have been William and Jane Simpson, but I believe this was a misatke in the register as William and Jane were definitely the parents of her husband Andrew.

Of course there could have been some funny goings-on ......... but I would rather not think so!

Fife / Which Agnes Grub?
« on: Monday 18 June 07 22:43 BST (UK)  »

I'm trying to establish which Agnes Grub was the mother of twins Christan and George Duncan at Kingsbarns in 1769.

The "candidates" are Agnes Grub (b 1743 to George Grub and Margaret Hog in Crail) and Agnes Grub (b 1754 to David Grub and Margaret Dewar in Largo).

Any ideas / suggestions?

Aberdeenshire / William Robb, Mary & James Kelman/Kellman
« on: Monday 18 June 07 22:18 BST (UK)  »

I'm new to this, so please be gentle!

In the 1881 Census, at Bluebog farm in Rathen lived the unmarried son of the house, William Robb (b 1843 approx  in New Aberdour) as well as the domestic servant Mary Kellman (b 1843 approx in St Fergus) and James Kellman (b illegitimate 29 April 1870 in Lonmay).

The name "Kelman" on the birth certificate is spelled "Kellman" in the census.

I'm trying to find out what happened to any of these three, and/or if they had any descendants, but I haven't been able to track them subsequently.

In 1868, ie 2 years prior to the birth of James Kel(l)man, William Robb was the father of an illegitimate child (John Simpson) by another servant girl (Isabella Simpson).

I am in direct descent from that John Simpson, so (without wishing to cast too many aspersions on the name of William Robb) I am keen to find out if I have any long-lost half-cousins out there! Any help appreciated.

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