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Messages - Stanza

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Other Countries / Re: Death Records in Argentina?
« on: Sunday 23 September 12 20:25 BST (UK)  »
Thank you, gazania, for those two sites. Again, they looked as if they should provide the information but in the event they didn't. I may have to dust down my Spanish language skills and try writing to the authorities in Argentina!

Of course, it's always possible that the family stories are incorrect, and that Joe Cole didn't die in Argentina - in which case this is all a blind alley!

But thanks anyway.

Other Countries / Re: Death Records in Argentina?
« on: Saturday 22 September 12 23:49 BST (UK)  »
Thank you for that, Graham - it all looked very promising, but in the end I didn't find what I was looking for, unfortunately. :(

Other Countries / Death Records in Argentina?
« on: Saturday 22 September 12 20:51 BST (UK)  »
Is there any source (either online or by correspondence) for looking up a death in Argentina?

I am trying to find out about Joseph Cole, who probably died in 1935, possibly in the Rosario area.

Joseph was born (according to shipping records) c 1888, and in 1924 he travelled to Coruņa in Spain, where he married Margaret Swainson Littlewood. Joseph & Margaret returned to the UK in 1926, and then in 1930 sailed (separately) to Argentina. Margaret returned alone in 1934, and (according to family folklore) Joseph died the following year.

Devon / Re: Arminah/Arminal & Thomas PERRY
« on: Friday 06 July 12 01:12 BST (UK)  »
Thanks for that background info, Margalit

I have sent you a personal message, as I still can't see the Perry family in the 1861 census.

Immigrants & Emigrants - General / Re: Looking for Isabella Simpson
« on: Friday 16 December 11 18:08 GMT (UK)  »
Hi there

Thanks for the response.

I've looked on Scotlandspeople and can't find any marriage at all between Isabella Simpson and WILLIAM Gray. The only marriage of an Isabella Simpson to a "Gray" that fits the probable marrying ages of "my" Isabella ( born 1909) is an Aberdeen marriage in 1948 of Isabella Manson Simpson to JAMES Gray, and she is not "my" Isabella.

Searching in the opposite direction, I can't see any William Gray marriages to a "Simpson" that might fit.

Nor can I see any marriages on Scotlandspeople of Isabella Simpson and David Herron.

Are you sure this all took place in Scotland? Maybe best to PM me, to avoid any possible conflict with the "living persons" policy.

Since I started this thread, I have established that in 1946 in London "my" Isabella married a Canadian serviceman named Russell Clark from Manitoba, and she emigrated to Canada as a war bride. The marriage doesn't seemt to have lasted, and the last trace of her was from a US Border crossing record in Dec 1950, when she was recorded as living in Toronto as Mrs Henry Bushey!

Since then, nothing!

Derbyshire / Re: 1885 Inquest in Hayfield/Glossop
« on: Tuesday 09 August 11 01:46 BST (UK)  »
Good left-field suggestion, epona,  but it doesn't fit the known facts I'm afraid!

Joseph was a hammerman in the Barrow steelworks and his family came originally from West Yorkshire, so I haven't yet established what was the connection with Glossop.

Berkshire / Re: William Chandler
« on: Friday 29 July 11 00:34 BST (UK)  »
I'm also very interested in this thread, because of the George CHANDLER who was baptised on 5 Jan 1823.

I believe that later in life, George started to use the name SURMAN, which was his mother's maiden name, assuming that the marriage on 3 Dec 1822 was between William Chandler b 1804 and Martha Surman b 1801. My reason for this is that on the 1851 marriage certificate of George Surman and Ellen Langley in Eton, Berkshire, the father of the groom is named as William CHANDLER. George and Ellen emigrated to Australia in 1855, and my interest stems from their SURMAN descendents in Australia.

My assumption about the 1822 marriage rests on the fact that William & Martha CHANDLER appear in the 1841 and 1851 censuses in Abingdon with their children. I think Martha died in 1860, but William CHANDLER lived on until 1885, appearing in the 1861, 1871 and 1881 censuses.

So I don't think that the William CHANDLER born in Sunningwell in 1804 can have emigrated to Australia.

However, my research on this branch of the SURMAN family is currently a "work in progress" - it's not finished and there could be a few unexpected twists along the way. So if there's a hole in my theory, please feel free to poke it!

South Africa / Rhodesian SAS
« on: Thursday 26 May 11 21:29 BST (UK)  »
If it's been posted somewhere else already I apologise, but there is an interesting website on the Rhodesian SAS, which lists those who served in the SAS and also (on the Roll of Honour) when they died.

US Lookup Requests / Re: John H Minnich of Tuscarawas, Ohio
« on: Friday 25 February 11 18:39 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks Susan, that is definitely Philip, the father of John H Minnich.

But I still wonder what the "H" was short for in his middle name - it's possible that it was "Hauk" after his mother, but that is just a guess.

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