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Messages - Stanza

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Aberdeenshire / Re: William Robb, Mary & James Kelman/Kellman
« on: Sunday 25 November 18 17:24 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Wendy, Thanks for getting in touch.

It's been several years since this thread started, and I've amassed quite a bit of detail since then about the Robbs, but your info is new so that's great.

Alexander Campbell Robb was actually the nephew of "my" William Campbell Robb. Alexander's father James was William's brother, and THEIR father was George Robb (1810-1883).

I'm guessing James took his family to Canada between 1891 and 1901, as they don't appear in the Scottish 1901 Census. Do you have any information on this?

I'm also not sure about your saying that James' wife was Jane WEST, as I have her maiden name as Jane ROSS (from Alexander's birth registration) and their marriage date as 28 July 1846 in Rathen (from Wiliam's birth registration). Could she have been married to someone else at some time?

I'm happy to exchange information with you and I'll send you a PM with a link to my tree.

Best wishes.


Huge thanks to everyone who contributed to this thread.


US Completed Requests / Re: Christina Simpson b1893 - emigrated to USA 1920?
« on: Sunday 28 May 17 01:26 BST (UK)  »
Thanks for all this extra information, folk, it adds colour and texture to the bare information. And I do hope she had a comfortable retirement in a nice neighbourhood - she was described as a Housekeeper / Domestic Companion on her death certificate.

US Completed Requests / Re: Christina Simpson b1893 - emigrated to USA 1920?
« on: Saturday 27 May 17 02:58 BST (UK)  »
Thanks folk, you've been very helpful. (I started typing this before I saw the two notes from Lisa, which further confirmed that this is "my" Christina.  :) :) :)

Yes, the parent details Lisa has given are correct. And, thank you to RJ137, she did have an elder brother John Duncan Simpson, although I didn't know he had emigrated (I hadn't done any research on him as Christina was only in my family tree by informal adoption after both her parents had died when she was an infant.)

And her grandmother was Mrs Janet Simpson, who lived until 1923. It's quite likely that Christina would have given her grandmother's name, since not only had her natural parents died when she was an infant, but her adoptive parents had both died when she was a teenager!

So this really does look as if it's her. There doesn't seem to be any other Christina Simpson from Aberdeen and of the right age who ticks these boxes.

And thanks for the links to the 1930 and 1940 censuses - the immigration date of 1920 ties in, so it does look as though she continued her rather sad life as a servant, in Seattle then San Francisco.

Re the trip to the UK in June 1931, the same Christina Simpson (54 Esslemont Avenue, Aberdeen) went back on the Britannic from Liverpool on 10 October to Boston / New York.

And the clincher as far as I am concerned is that her 1972 death record on the US Social Security record has her date of birth as 22 Oct 1893, the same as "my" Christina.

I'll leave this thread open for a few days, just in case anyone else comes up with some more information about Christina, and if not then I'll mark it as COMPLETED. Many thanks to all of you for helping me fill in this blank in my family history. I'm just sorry for Christina that she doesn't seem to have had all that great a life.

PS to Lisa in California - yes, if you have any more info about Christina that you are willing to release by private message, that would be very kind of you.

PPS to RJ137 - thank you for the death certificate and obit notices, sent almost simultaneously with my own post. Very informative.

US Completed Requests / Christina Simpson b1893 - emigrated to USA 1920?
« on: Saturday 27 May 17 00:07 BST (UK)  »
My grandfather's adopted half-sister (Christina Simpson) was born in Aberdeen in 1893, and appears there on the 1901 and 1911 censuses. I haven't been able to trace her in any subsequent UK records.

There is a Christina Simpson of the correct age and from Aberdeen, who emigrated to the USA from Liverpool on the White Star liner RMS Celtic, arriving at Ellis Island, New York on 7/8 May 1920. I'm working on the assumption this is her.

Can anyone identify her in any public US records, eg 1930/1940 censuses, or else in marriage or death records? Any suggestions appreciated.

World War Two / Re: Cap Badge Identification?
« on: Wednesday 12 April 17 23:13 BST (UK)  »
I appreciate the (several) responses so far, thanks for taking the time to provide these.

Obviously I've no way of knowing if Isabella just "made up" a uniform, but I must admit that looking at how well it all seems to fit her, and how well groomed she is, I would be surprised if it was just a ragbag of spare uniform parts! But maybe we'll never know.

All other suggestions are still welcome.

World War Two / Re: Cap Badge Identification?
« on: Wednesday 12 April 17 13:56 BST (UK)  »
Thanks for that, John - a real woman of mystery then!

World War Two / Cap Badge Identification?
« on: Wednesday 12 April 17 11:54 BST (UK)  »
This is a photo of my Aunt Isabella Simpson, taken at some time during WW2.

Can anyone identify what regiment or unit she might have been serving in, from the cap badge or insignia? There is an unsubstantiated family story that she served as an ambulance driver, but the uniform suggests something more military.

She married a Canadian during the war and emigrated as a war bride, if that offers any clues.

All suggestions welcome. Thanks.

Derbyshire / Re: 1885 Inquest in Hayfield/Glossop
« on: Wednesday 16 March 16 01:56 GMT (UK)  »
By chance I came across this thread from six years ago, and it might be worthwhile to update it, in case anyone is browsing through "Littlewood" posts to find information.

I am now satisfied that the Joseph who died in Glossop in 1885 is NOT "my" Joseph, but is probably the “Joseph Littlewood” recorded in the 1881 census as living with his wife Maria in Hadfield, Glossop, and referred to by Spendlove. The fact that Maria is recorded as marrying again in 1890 adds strength to this viewpoint.

However, the Joseph that Spendlove refers to as being a Hammerman in the Barrow-in-Furness area in the 1871 census is still living there in the 1881 census, married to Sarah. This is "my" Joseph, my gt-grandfather, and it would seem he died there in Feb 1884, according to the Furness Burial Records on FindMyPast. - although to be fair, I have not yet been able to confirm this with any BMD data.

Thanks to everyone who contributed.

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