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Messages - carol8353

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 6 ... 1973
London and Middlesex / Re: Ruislip, Northwood and Eastcote Local History Society
« on: Monday 15 January 24 07:23 GMT (UK)  »
I wonder if someone from the Harrow Local History group could help?

The Common Room / Re: Missing GRO death?
« on: Saturday 23 December 23 11:44 GMT (UK)  »

Dundee, Is it possible to order a digital copy that way  :-\

I wondered the same thing Rosie  :)

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: CAN ANYONE PLEASE READ OR ENHANCE……?
« on: Sunday 05 November 23 12:29 GMT (UK)  »
Looking at the original image, as posted by ShaunJ, I think Mary Ann first attempted to sign with her new married name, Porter, when she should have signed Wicks (which she then added). This was a mistake occasionally made by brides. In this case there appears to be a smudge around the name, which may be an attempt to erase it.

My thoughts exactly............cos I did it myself in 1973 !!!

Technical Help / Re: Message boards missing on Ancestry
« on: Saturday 04 November 23 22:41 GMT (UK)  »

Bit harsh, Biggles.
It's more the lack of response/gratitude from many of the OPs on those boards that deters some of us from helping them nowadays.
A lot of the zero reply posts are of the kind that are unlikely to get much of a response anywhere.
There are still some wonderful people on the ancestry boards.

And don't forget one of our biggest bugbears,where you spend ages answering a query.Only to find an over zealous moderator has moved it to another board,never to be seen or found again. ;D

World War Two / Re: Able Seaman Thomas Bates
« on: Tuesday 24 October 23 22:39 BST (UK)  »
Could this be him,although as Carole says we're going to need much more info to make sure we don't lead you up the garden path,age and place of birth might be a good starting point.

The Common Room / Re: Surname used as a middle name
« on: Thursday 19 October 23 21:47 BST (UK)  »
None of my mum's family have middle names,apart from her older brother,who apparently was such a difficult birth that he was given the doctor who delivered him's first name as his middle one.

Cheshire / Re: What was G D L Napier's full name?
« on: Tuesday 03 October 23 22:49 BST (UK)  »
John married in 1948 - could the birth you are looking for be the 1951 entry on SP?  Could the L be an R?

Can't give details in case person is still alive

SNAP!! - missed your reply Carol

Great minds think alike Carole  ;D

Cheshire / Re: What was G D L Napier's full name?
« on: Tuesday 03 October 23 22:45 BST (UK)  »
Using scotland's People,there is a 1948 marriage between John Reid Napier and Margaret Wilson Black. Using Black as the mother's maiden name,check out a 1951 birth,with very similar initials which you may be able to fit into the father's death cert.

I won't name the son as he is more than likely still alive.

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 6 ... 1973