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Messages - Brie

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The Common Room / Re: Does anyone know Pam?
« on: Tuesday 21 February 23 15:38 GMT (UK)  »
I've found the rules for Flinch and the cards are just like our PAM cards. Looks as if Mvann has cracked it. I shall print off the rules and have a go. Looks like it's another game that will stay and not get cleared out!

Thank you both

The Common Room / Re: Does anyone know Pam?
« on: Tuesday 21 February 23 15:31 GMT (UK)  »

Oooh! I think you are right, certainly the cards look very similar. Now for find the rules for Flinch

Thank you

The Common Room / Re: Does anyone know Pam?
« on: Tuesday 21 February 23 15:28 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks for the link, so many games - who knew?

Rook appears to have colours instead of suits as well as the card numbers. Pam's cards are all identical apart from the numbers, which would make it difficult to use like a traditional deck. it is difficult to see what could be done with them to make an exciting game - or perhaps the advertising is misleading, it was as dull as ditch water, died out and that is why no-one has ever heard of it and our cards are in immaculate condition!


The Common Room / Re: Does anyone know Pam?
« on: Tuesday 21 February 23 14:54 GMT (UK)  »

It looks quite exciting there - do you think the women at the back right has picked a bad card? Not a poker player!


The Common Room / Does anyone know Pam?
« on: Tuesday 21 February 23 13:45 GMT (UK)  »

Helping my mother to clear some stuff we were going through old games, Halma and the like and found this. It has been with us since the year dot but has no instructions. My mother doesn't remember ever playing it and my father is no longer with us.

I've looked on the internet and found pictures of the box but nothing more.

There are 150 cards numbered from 1-15, 10 of each. Apparently it is for any number of players.

Does anyone know how to play?


I have just tried to send this with photos but there was an error message so I will try to describe it. It is called Pam and the cards are the same size as traditional playing cards. The reverse of the cards look like traditional playing cards, the front simply have a number between 1 and 15. The manufacturer is Parker Games, London.

Ireland / Re: Prerogative Grants of Ireland - Help!
« on: Saturday 11 February 23 17:52 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you both, I shall have a good look through all these links tomorrow. Fingers crossed that I find some more information. I think it will take some time for me to get my head round these land issues.

Ann and D'Arcy later took a case to the House of Lords which I've only partially read so far but that was also about Ann's land - or rather loss of it.


Ireland / Re: Prerogative Grants of Ireland - Help!
« on: Saturday 11 February 23 16:27 GMT (UK)  »

Thank-you for this, I will have a look through. You never know, I might be lucky.

He did have a son called William, his only child as far as I am aware. He is the chap at Dublin as well. We have a copy of a letter written by him (a cousin has the original) in which he says he went to TCD and he also names his father and a few other paternal relatives -the kind of relative we adore :) He also refers to his mother losing land. He did get a good education but no money so he went on to be a teacher on prisons etc.


Ireland / Re: Prerogative Grants of Ireland - Help! - Completed
« on: Saturday 11 February 23 07:26 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you for this Jon. And everyone else for their help. I have a few snippets of extra information now but it does seem that the bottom line is that the wills no longer exist.

Thank you all for your help.

Ireland / Re: Prerogative Grants of Ireland - Help!
« on: Sunday 05 February 23 17:52 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you Jon_ni,

Such a shame. However, that does give me a rough date for her death which is something.


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