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Messages - mazwad

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 7 ... 28
The Lighter Side / Re: ODD Birth notice in 1817 newspaper
« on: Saturday 13 December 08 00:49 GMT (UK)  »
My maiden name is Claridge, I wonder where these ones originated from. 

The Common Room / Re: Christmas through the ages
« on: Thursday 11 December 08 20:01 GMT (UK)  »
I enjoyed reading through those, thank you for posting it.

The Lighter Side / Re: Blog: "Nothing But Bad Times"
« on: Monday 01 December 08 19:50 GMT (UK)  »
You're not the only one getting choked up Matt and that is down to how beautifully you tell the story.

The Lighter Side / Re: Blog: "Nothing But Bad Times"
« on: Monday 01 December 08 17:10 GMT (UK)  »
I am kept enthralled by this tale and don't mind waiting for the next part as I don't want it to finish.

These days when we move around the country we have a really good idea of what the place is like that we are going to.  They were so brave just to up sticks and go withour really knowing much about the place.

The Common Room / Re: Quick question
« on: Thursday 27 November 08 20:48 GMT (UK)  »
And thanks to Tati for helping us both out.

The Common Room / Re: Quick question
« on: Thursday 27 November 08 20:35 GMT (UK)  »
Yes that is what Tati answered to my query.  I asked does it always say if they are deceased and she answered no.

The Common Room / Re: Quick question
« on: Thursday 27 November 08 20:26 GMT (UK)  »
I think that was why Tati said no to my query as they maybe wouldn't always have known if their father was dead.

I just wondered if it was common pratice to put deceased if they knew.

The Common Room / Re: Quick question
« on: Thursday 27 November 08 20:00 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks very much, you save me making a prat of myself as I was just about to e-mail my cousin to query this. Ta for the quick reply :D

The Common Room / Quick question
« on: Thursday 27 November 08 19:51 GMT (UK)  »
On a marriage certificate, if the father is deceased does it always say so.
We know an uncle died in 1941 yet we believe we have the marriage certificate of his son in 1958 and it doesn't have deceased by the fathers name.

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