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Messages - mazwad

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Sussex Lookup Requests / Re: 1901 census look up please
« on: Saturday 14 November 09 18:47 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks for the extra info Tati that will be useful to take it further back.

Sussex Lookup Requests / Re: 1901 census look up please/ completed thanks
« on: Saturday 14 November 09 18:39 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you so much that is brilliant, its for my best mate so thanks from her too.

Sussex Lookup Requests / 1901 census look up please
« on: Saturday 14 November 09 18:28 GMT (UK)  »
I wonder if anyone would be kind enough to look up a Stephen Dowdy born 1896.

 I have looked at the free part of the census and have him age 4 born Sussex Wildhams Wood but would love to know what his parents names and ages  are.  There should be at least one other child Nora or Norah birth about 1900.

I hope someone can help, thank you.

The Common Room / Re: Adoption - And the Joys.
« on: Monday 23 February 09 23:42 GMT (UK)  »
I was pregnant at 15 and my father too wanted me out of the house, didn't want the shame of his neighbours or workmates knowing.  My mum wasn't a strong enough person to stand against him even though she would have liked me to have kept my child.

My older brother and his wife took me in, they lived in London and we lived in Sussex so it was far enough away to suit my dad.  My parents never paid anything towards my keep and signed me over to my brother as my guardian.

I gave birth to a little girl a month afer my 16th birthday.  My brother had arranged a private adoption with a couple whose sister he knew.  He told me that my daughter would have a lovely life as they were comfortably off and had another daughter of 11 who was really excited to be getting a sister.

I returned home and the subject was not spoken about so I had no outlet for my grief and guilt.  My mum had to deal with her own guilt so it was easier for her not to talk about it.

I married only a year later, not to the father of my child, and had two sons.  Many years later when my daughter was 20 we made contact and initially things went well.  I tried to explain how things were but I still feel she resented the fact I didn't fight harder to keep her.  Her adoptive parents split up when she was 4 and she didn't have a great life after that so I suppose she thought I didn't do so well by her.

Sadly I am no longer in contact with her as things didn't work out between us.

My daughter in law is adopted and has no wish to find her parents as the circumstances of her adoption was neglect.  When she married my son he adopted her twin sons so as a family we have viewed adoption from all sides.

Census Lookup and Resource Requests / Re: still missing Charles
« on: Monday 19 January 09 23:28 GMT (UK)  »
 I had just counted them up too, poor woman must have been worn out.

I have to go to bed now as I have to get up at 6.30 for work, it always gets in the way of fun.  I shall get back on the case tomorrow.

Thanks once again to you both for checking this out.


Census Lookup and Resource Requests / Re: still missing Charles
« on: Monday 19 January 09 22:53 GMT (UK)  »
Ooops I got a bit over excited there and made a daft mistake, I need to keep an eye on my dates.

I guess that rules out George as the daddy.

Census Lookup and Resource Requests / Re: still missing Charles
« on: Monday 19 January 09 21:00 GMT (UK)  »
I noticed that daughter Jane was born in Henfield and wondered if son George was born there as well.  There is a George whose birthdate would fit on 1881 with a son Harry who is age one born in Addington, Surrey.

Back later after Unforgiven.

Census Lookup and Resource Requests / Re: still missing Charles
« on: Monday 19 January 09 19:52 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks so much for helping.

Census Lookup and Resource Requests / Re: still missing Charles
« on: Monday 19 January 09 17:28 GMT (UK)  »
No sadly I have not yet the funds for my habit so I am very grateful to those people like you who are kind enough to spare their time to help.

That looks a good one for 1881.

Is there anyway I can print these off or is it against the rules ?

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