- Posts:
- 29 (0.004 per day)
- Age:
- N/A
- Date Registered:
- Saturday 23 October 04 21:39 BST (UK)
- Local Time:
- Friday 14 February 25 18:14 GMT (UK)
- Last Active:
- Monday 06 March 23 18:54 GMT (UK)
Surname Interests:
Pettigrove. - any area and country.Lee. Gypsy - Kent area .
Yelding.Hornby.Frost. Fossett,Travelling showmen and circus connections.
Adams.Tomlin.Penfold.Rossiter. Baker.Keefe.Allen my Kent connections.
Baker - Canterbury
Tanner. Eastbourne and Horsham area.
Rout . Brighton
Whitehead- Burnley Lancs.