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Messages - mcconnell922

Pages: 1 ... 4 5 6 [7] 8 9 10 ... 14
Cornwall / Russel Percy WILLIAMS
« on: Monday 08 March 10 16:33 GMT (UK)  »
I am looking for a birth of Russell Percy Williams I found his death in Veryan 1941 first quarter aged 8 found his sisters birth in 1932 parents names Alfred Russell williams and Margaret Nee Petrie. Apperently he was born in west portholland but i have in incling it might be scotland can anyone please help me? Clare

US Lookup Requests / Re: Wilfred And Kate Trethewey
« on: Sunday 21 February 10 16:48 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks looks like Katie died between 1942 and 1945 thanks its great to get an insight into their lives over the water Clare

US Lookup Requests / Re: Wilfred And Kate Trethewey
« on: Saturday 20 February 10 21:24 GMT (UK)  »
thanks for trying i'll see what I can do at the record office on Thursday! thanks Clare

US Lookup Requests / Re: Wilfred And Kate Trethewey
« on: Saturday 20 February 10 21:01 GMT (UK)  »
thank you thats brill

US Lookup Requests / Re: Wilfred And Kate Trethewey
« on: Saturday 20 February 10 20:56 GMT (UK)  »
My tree doesnt give a date only a year, could you  please see if you could find Katies death as it might give me a birth date which is still a mystery i'm really grateful Thanks Clare

US Lookup Requests / Re: Wilfred And Kate Trethewey
« on: Saturday 20 February 10 20:41 GMT (UK)  »
thanks thats a great help it also solves another family mystery, my husbands grandfather was born in allouez and we wondered why they went to michigan, obviously to stay with g granmothers sister (Casandral is my Husbands g grandmother) Thanks again Clare

United States of America / Re: Katie RODDA
« on: Saturday 20 February 10 20:18 GMT (UK)  »
hi thanks everyone found her marriage to wilfred trethewey in 1907 houghton and in1920 in keneenaw and in 1930 in wayne thanks again, I think she was visiting her brother in law after her sister maggie had died in 1905. thanks Clare

US Lookup Requests / Wilfred And Kate Trethewey
« on: Saturday 20 February 10 18:13 GMT (UK)  »
Could Some one please look up Wilfred And Kate (katie) Trethewey on the 1910,20 and 30 census's they were in Keweenaw In 1920 and Wayne in 1930 and let me know what is on them.Thanks Clare

Cornwall / Re: Kattie RODDA
« on: Friday 19 February 10 13:51 GMT (UK)  »
thanks, I didnt think of catherine as another name for katie I'll check at the registry office when I visit

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