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Messages - Ebch

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Unwanted Certificates & Artefacts / Reprint Titanic Daily Mirror COMPLETED THANKS
« on: Monday 17 September 12 13:24 BST (UK)  »
If anyone had a relative connected to the Titanic I have some Daily Mirror reprints of the 1912 disaster.  I've no idea how I acquired them but would like them to go to someone with more interest.  Willing to post but would ask anyone receiving one to make a £1 donation to their nearest Help for Heroes collecting box.  Thanks :)

The Common Room / Re: Titanic - Daily Mirror
« on: Monday 17 September 12 13:17 BST (UK)  »
Thanks all for your advice :)  I notice that the ones I have do not have a 'day' printed as well as the date, unlike originals.  So no Antarctic cruise for me instead I'm off to Unwanted Artifacts :)
Thanks again :)

Occupation Interests / Re: molecatcher
« on: Sunday 16 September 12 16:29 BST (UK)  »
Very interesting link Mort to the mole-catcher. Thank you.  Came across this page as I have just found my 4xgt grandfather.  He was a mole-catcher but it was his son, my 3xgt grandfather who really benefitted.  The son became the owner of a hat making business :):)

The Common Room / Titanic - Daily Mirror
« on: Sunday 16 September 12 14:56 BST (UK)  »
Clearing out an old box of papers I came across four copies of the Daily Mirror dated April 1912 covering the Titanic.  Because of the good condition of them I cannot believe they are original and I have no recollection of their origins.  Does anyone know if the Daily Mirror did a reprint in later years?   I intend to offer them to anyone with an interest on Unwanted Artifacts but would like know what to tell prospective new owners.  (free of charge of course)
Thanks  :) (I hate to throw anything away if it can be used by anyone else)

World War Two / Re: WW2 Service Records
« on: Sunday 16 September 12 13:58 BST (UK)  »
I cannot disagree that welfare requests from former soldiers MUST take precedence.  I think I am lucky to live in a country that will release my father's army service record and am prepared to both pay and wait for the privilege of receiving it.
But I still wonder if the services are missing a chance of giving a disabled/redundant soldier the chance of employment that would be partly or even wholly funded by us searching our family history. When I compare various commercial search sites then £30 seems a small sum to pay - maybe £40 to have proof of such great history?
The letter I received sadly talks of the very high volume of urgent welfare requests.  Putting aside genealogical requests, is the whole department understaffed?

Unwanted Certificates & Artefacts / Souvenir War Memorial Holyrood Barnsley
« on: Saturday 15 September 12 17:47 BST (UK)  »
Among some old papers I came across a Souvenir War Memorial leaflet printed 1946 when the Bishop of Leeds blessed the memorial at Holy Rood Church, Barnsley.  There are 34 names of the dead listed.  I know it's a long shot, but if you had a relative killed in WW2 and a member of Holy Rood Church named in the folder then I am delighted to send it to you.
Names - Johnson, Kenny, Lee, Sheridan, Lynch, Hanson, Taylor, Cunningham, Hyslop, Richardson, Carroll, Wilcock, Boylan, Regan, McGrath, Meade, Hardware, Levi, Foy, Duncan, Morgan, Hymes, Regan, Newton, Durnan, Young,  Galvin, Miller, Richardson, Martin, McNicholas, Lavan, Carnevalli, Lawless,

World War Two / Re: WW2 Service Records
« on: Saturday 15 September 12 17:35 BST (UK)  »
I'm awaiting my father's army records and have been told that "due to demand" it will be between 9 to 12 months before they can be despatched.  I appreciate welfare cases must take priority but if there is a demand for records costing £30 could this not create positions for disabled servicemen who otherwise may have to leave the services? Maybe even charge say £35.00 and give someone a job.

Yorkshire (West Riding) / Re: St Peter's Churchyard,Hoyland, Barnsley
« on: Monday 17 October 11 17:07 BST (UK)  »
Hello :)
As you know the plot no. J32 - is there anyone out there with an ancestor buried in St Peters who knows the plot no. of their ancestor's grave.  It could help point in the right direction.

Yorkshire (West Riding) / Re: Sykes Hemp Spinners ?
« on: Friday 16 September 11 19:54 BST (UK)  »
March 1877 listed as a juror at Leeds Borough Sessions is
Samuel Sykes, Flax Merchant, 17 York Place.
And again in Jan 1885 same Sessions
W. S. Sykes, Flax Merchant, York Place

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