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Topics - Isobel

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Durham Lookup Requests / Thomas Robinson Family look up please
« on: Thursday 20 October 05 14:57 BST (UK)  »
My GGGGrandfather was baptised on the 14/2/1840 son of William and Mary at St. Helen's Kelloe.  Can anyone find all the family please maybe 1841 or 1851 census.

Lanarkshire / 1841 Census look up require for Peter Hogg(SOLVED)
« on: Tuesday 18 October 05 23:10 BST (UK)  »
I have Peter with Violet Muir on the Crawford, Lanark Census for 1851  Where was he in 1841 and with what family.

He was in Howcleuch Crawford

Lanarkshire / Trying to find birth details (Solved)
« on: Tuesday 18 October 05 19:02 BST (UK)  »
My Great Grandparents James Crawford and Elizabeth Davies were married 5/6/1908 Bothwell.  I am trying to find their ages and trace ancestors.  Can anyone help.

Europe / Trying to trace when relation came back to Scotland
« on: Monday 17 October 05 17:38 BST (UK)  »
I have a relation Richard Hogg b25/10/1819 Eskdalemuir Dumfriesshire.  He lived with his sister in Crawford Lanark and is on the census for 1851  then in 1855 him and his sister and daughter emigrated to Canada.  Richard came back some time because he is on the 1881 census for Selkirk.  How do I find out when he returned.

Argyllshire / Jessie Hogg McIntyre Birth
« on: Sunday 16 October 05 18:42 BST (UK)  »
Looking for this childs birth and parents names she is on the 1881 census with her grandparents Walter and Jannet Beattie, aged 1 month  Craignish, Argyll born.

Scotland / Census for 1851, 1861 please SOLVED
« on: Saturday 15 October 05 22:45 BST (UK)  »
Looking for Walter Beattie and his wife Janet Hogg b19/7/1823 Eskdalemuir  They were married 12/11/1847 Selkirk.  Trying to trace where they stayed and their family.

I have now found this family through another topic

Census Lookup and Resource Requests / Trying to find Richard Hogg coming back to UK
« on: Thursday 13 October 05 12:51 BST (UK)  »
I have a Richard Hogg born Eskdalemuir Dumfries 25/10/1819  on the 1851 census he is with his sister and her daughter in Crawford, Lanark  and then they left in 1855 and went to Canada. Rosina and her daughter settled there, but Richard is on the 1881 census for Kirkhope Selkirk.  Can anyone tell me how to find when he came back to this country and when he died.

Durham / Looking for Marriage of Margaret Robinson and James Drummond
« on: Tuesday 11 October 05 13:01 BST (UK)  »
Looking for the above and any children please
Margaret born 1877 Ryhope Durham  I dont know where or when James was born.

Canada / Janet Hogg emigrated to Galt
« on: Friday 07 October 05 23:12 BST (UK)  »
Looking to find a Janet Hogg born Scotland  1823 emigrated to Galt Canada can anyone assist in finding her

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