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Messages - forte

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 7 ... 28
Rutland / Re: Susannah Nutt baptismal record
« on: Monday 30 July 18 09:56 BST (UK)  »
Glad to have helped.

Rutland / Re: Susannah Nutt baptismal record
« on: Sunday 29 July 18 14:35 BST (UK)  »
Hope this will suffice - it's the last one one the list.  The file would be too big to send the whole page.
  Sorry the "28th" is missing - but it is a copy of the original entry. 

I have the LRFHS county burial index 1813-1990 and there is no Ann Stor(e)y burial in Rutland for that year.

United States of America / Re: Can't find Illinois birth record
« on: Saturday 24 February 18 17:27 GMT (UK)  »
Sorry - I didnt use the link.
Have been trying to find the family in Ireland, particularly the marriage. Do you have any other info?
I'll keep looking anyway.

United States of America / Re: Can't find Illinois birth record
« on: Saturday 24 February 18 16:14 GMT (UK)  »
There are two Elizabeth Buckleys b 1896 Illinois. Which one is she?
Is her father Cornelius or William?

Leicestershire Lookup Requests / Re: Melton Mowbray Marriage please
« on: Thursday 22 February 18 13:30 GMT (UK)  »
There is a bp in Melton Mowbray 1852 ref 7A 204   Emma Fitz-Ellen Ison - no mothers maiden name so probably illegit.

She is on 1861 cen with her uncle George and his sister Jane and in 1871 with g/father William Dunnicleft all living in Soho Sq Melton.
Could Jane be her mother?

Rutland / Re: elizabeth emma goode
« on: Wednesday 21 February 18 17:31 GMT (UK)  »
A bit late in the day but I think I've found her in 1841, '51,71,81,91,&1901 as well

1841 she is in St Margarets Leicester with parents Wm, Sarah and brothers John and William and says she is b in county ie Leicestershire.

She calls herself Emma in  many  other census and varies her birthplace between Derby, Uppingham & Leicester - naughty!

There is a bp in Leicester on 6/8/1833 pa Wm & Sarah and she dies in 1910 in Derby aged 76.

Nottinghamshire / Re: Brindley late 1700s
« on: Friday 02 February 18 11:48 GMT (UK)  »
You are quite right to try and verify before making assumptions.
I have found 2 Wm Brindleys bp in Marston Montgomery which is quite close to Sudbury and which would seem more likely as husband to Sarah Houlding.  This is assuming the Brindleys were in Derbyshire and moved to Arnold in Nottinghamshire, which although not that far away may or may not be correct.

Wm Brindley s/o John and Mary bp 1762 - the most likely father of James if at all!
Wm Brindley s/o Baptist and Hannah  bp 1784

Nottinghamshire / Re: Brindley late 1700s
« on: Wednesday 24 January 18 10:35 GMT (UK)  »
I have not personally researched the Brindleys but have lots of info from a descendant in Australia whose findings I have no reason to doubt.   I don't have anything  on James other than he started as a private around 1808 in the 83rd Royal Ulster Rifles and was discharged in 1822. He joined the Royal Veteran Corps in England 1825/6 and next heard of on  26/8/1826 as a member of No 3 Company Royal Veterans arriving on the "John Barry" which arrived in Sydney via Portsmouth, Cape of Good Hope on 8/7/1826. A group of 3rd company were transferred to Hobart. He was discharged 1830.
He died in Sydney 1847 in the Benevolent Asylum and is buried in the Sydney burial ground which is now the Central Station. 

His son Samuel James(known as James) married Esther Rebecca Gulley b 1832 d/o Hugh and Charlotte Maguines and their daughter Alice May Brindley was the gt aunt of my husband through her marriage to Albert Hall (originally from Sheffield).  My interest lies mainly in the Hall line so I cant go back further with James but can fill in any gaps you may have with James and Mary's children.

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