thanks, johnbhoy. I'm glad you are finding it useful.
I should perhaps add some more tips with regards to navigating the ICRC site, in addition to comments 24 May at 15:23, as it is not entirely straightforward, and it took me several attempts to get what I needed.
Once you find the first document for your person, click on the red box for more info about him.
You will then get two boxes, one offering a series of initials, and the other blank for you to fill in.
On the first document, you will likely see some code numbers which begin with some of the letters in the first box. Try to pick one that seems to match; you may need to try more than one.
Again, on your first document, there will be some numbers following the letters. Some may be in Roman numerals. Use the first of these number to put in the second box. If it is in Roman numerals, change it to regular numbers and then use it. Do not use the second number, if there is one.
Hopefully, you will then get a series of new documents. Using the second number (the one you didn't use before), which is a page number, scroll down until you find that number, usually in the upper right of the doc.
Your person should appear on that page.
Note also that there is a glossary on the site which explains the abbreviations used. This is especially useful for deciphering the name of the camp, but also some other things. It is found at .
I hope that helps!