Author Topic: Researching ' SCANLON '  (Read 9899 times)

Offline Summers76

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Researching ' SCANLON '
« on: Friday 11 August 06 02:24 BST (UK) »
Hello everyone, my name is Summers and as a newbie on site I hope you can point me in the right direction... :)

I recently started doing research on my grandmothers side of the family 'SCANLON' please advise the best place on site to post my request for help.

Only just recently found this website, my head is spinning at all the forward to your replies, handy hints etc....cheers Summers 8)
SCANLONS- North East-England, also America-Canada
TAYLOR-   England also Ireland
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Offline piedstilt

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Re: Researching ' SCANLON '
« Reply #1 on: Friday 11 August 06 05:59 BST (UK) »
Hi Summers, and welcome to Rootschat. :D

Why don't you start by spelling out what you DO know about your grandmother and her family and tell us what you are looking for?


Census information is Crown Copyright, from

Offline Summers76

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Re: Researching ' SCANLON '
« Reply #2 on: Friday 11 August 06 21:14 BST (UK) »
Hi, Ros

Many thanks for your welcome post,  do hope you can point me in the right direction, as at the moment I feel a bit lost.

My late Mother had just about all the Birth-Death Certs, for the family members that I will list below, sadly when my Mother died the paperwork got mislaid....ahhh!!!. :'(

Well here goes....My grandmother Ellen Scanlon born 1885, lived in Hebburn on Tyne County Durham, England.
Siblings that I am aware of include sisters, Siobiner (Dinah) and Sarah Scanlon, they both moved from the North of England, down to Portsmouth, and lived and worked there till they died.

The two brothers (may have been others) Peter and Phelan Scanlon left England (date unknown) for a new life, one in America the other in Canada.

My great-grandfather was named Phelan Scanlon born 1863. Phelan worked in the Shipyards as a Riveter. His wife my great-grandmother was called Bridget, born 1864 (nee Brannon) they married on the 14th February 1884 and lived in Hebburn on Tyne.
While I have no idea how to take the next I have to trace Birth-Deaths  Records etc? Can this be done via the web? ..Any help advice would be truly magic....cheers Summers
SCANLONS- North East-England, also America-Canada
TAYLOR-   England also Ireland
LYDON - England also Ireland
BRENNAN - North England, Ireland, Scotland

Offline KarenM

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Re: Researching ' SCANLON '
« Reply #3 on: Friday 11 August 06 21:46 BST (UK) »
Hi Summers,

I checked the WWI Database for Canadian Soliders and there was a Phelim Scanlon, born Belfast, Ireland who served.  His father is listed as Phelim Scanlon with an address of 27 Prince Consort Lane, Hebburn, England.

Here's a link to his papers on-line

Gandley (but known as Stanley in Canada)- Ireland to Birmingham<br />Ball, Kempson & Franklin - Birmingham<br />Shorter - Surrey<br />Dyer - Devon<br />Dawkins - Co. Cork, Ireland<br />Heffernan - Ireland
Huck - Alsace, France
Reinhart - Baden, Germany
Bowman & Ellis - England
Etheridge - Gloucestershire

Who all came to Canada in a little row boat, clap clap, clap your hands!!

Offline Manchester Rambler

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Re: Researching ' SCANLON '
« Reply #4 on: Friday 11 August 06 23:36 BST (UK) »
Phelim Scanlon (1863) with his parents on the 1871 census:

RG10/5045   Folio 16   Page 25
11 Tennant St, Hebburn

Phelim Scanlin - Head - 36 - Labourer - b. Ireland
Sarah Scanlin - Wife - 34 - b. Ireland
Catherine Scanlin - Dau - 12 - b. England
John Scanlin - Son - 11 - Scholar - b. England
Michael Scanlin - Son - 8 - Scholar - b. England
Philim Scanlin - Son - 7 - Scholar - b. England
Bridget Scanlin - 1 Dau - b. England

Same family in 1861:
RG9/3850  Folio 14  Page 22
Hodgson Mill, Cowpen, Northumberland

Phelim Scanlin - Head - 26 - Labourer to Masons - b. Ireland
Sarah Scanlin - Wife - 26 - b. Ireland
Ann Scanlin - Dau - 4 - b. Bellingham, Northumberland
John Scanlin - Son - 2 - b. Bellingham, Northumberland

ANT: Nesbit, Potts; CHS: Gosling (Hazel Grove/Lymm), Hinton (Lymm), Johnson (Hazel Grove), Marsland (Hazel Grove), Massey (Daresbury), Sorton (Warmingham); LAN: Jackson, James, Potts (Manchester/Salford); MAY: Caulfield, Griffin (Leveelick); SAL: Goodwin, Johnson (Bridgnorth), Gregory (Wellington); STS: Goodwin, Gregory, Johnson (Wolverhampton); Hallett (Trysull); SOM: Dowding, James, Jones (Bath)

Census information Crown Copyright, from

Offline Manchester Rambler

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Re: Researching ' SCANLON '
« Reply #5 on: Friday 11 August 06 23:42 BST (UK) »
Phelim Jr (1864) after his marriage:

1891 census:
RG12/4146; Folio 18; Page 30
13 Birmingham St, Southwick, Sunderland

Phelim Scanlan - Head - 26 - Shipyard Labourer - b. Rochdale
Bridget Scanlan - Wife - 24 - b. Scotland
Ellen Agnes Scanlan - Dau - 5 - b. Wallsend, Newcastle
John H Scanlan - Son - 4 - b. Hebburn on Tyne
Sabina Scanlan - Dau - 1 - b. Hebburn on Tyne

ANT: Nesbit, Potts; CHS: Gosling (Hazel Grove/Lymm), Hinton (Lymm), Johnson (Hazel Grove), Marsland (Hazel Grove), Massey (Daresbury), Sorton (Warmingham); LAN: Jackson, James, Potts (Manchester/Salford); MAY: Caulfield, Griffin (Leveelick); SAL: Goodwin, Johnson (Bridgnorth), Gregory (Wellington); STS: Goodwin, Gregory, Johnson (Wolverhampton); Hallett (Trysull); SOM: Dowding, James, Jones (Bath)

Census information Crown Copyright, from

Offline Summers76

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Re: Researching ' SCANLON '
« Reply #6 on: Sunday 13 August 06 12:15 BST (UK) »
Hi Summers,

I checked the WWI Database for Canadian Soliders and there was a Phelim Scanlon, born Belfast, Ireland who served.  His father is listed as Phelim Scanlon with an address of 27 Prince Consort Lane, Hebburn, England.

Here's a link to his papers on-line


Hello Karen, Just to say a sincere Thank You, the info you posted regarding Phelim, is my true relation, talk about (happy) crying, wow! my head is spinning again. You have no idea how happy I am so all I can say is ..sending you a meg..mega e-mail hug for your post......Summer x
SCANLONS- North East-England, also America-Canada
TAYLOR-   England also Ireland
LYDON - England also Ireland
BRENNAN - North England, Ireland, Scotland

Offline Summers76

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Re: Researching ' SCANLON '
« Reply #7 on: Sunday 13 August 06 12:28 BST (UK) »
Phelim Jr (1864) after his marriage:

1891 census:
RG12/4146; Folio 18; Page 30
13 Birmingham St, Southwick, Sunderland

Phelim Scanlan - Head - 26 - Shipyard Labourer - b. Rochdale
Bridget Scanlan - Wife - 24 - b. Scotland
Ellen Agnes Scanlan - Dau - 5 - b. Wallsend, Newcastle
John H Scanlan - Son - 4 - b. Hebburn on Tyne
Sabina Scanlan - Dau - 1 - b. Hebburn on Tyne


Hello Rambler, Yet again I have to say truly a Sincere Thank You, those that you listed are my g-grandfather Phelim and g-grandmother Bridget (I have photos of both of them) and the bit that made me get a lump in my throat was that Ellen Agnes Scanlan (Scanlon) was my grandmother, As a child I lived with her for nine years, when she died I was devastated, you have helped as I had no idea she was born in Wallsend. Sabina my Aunt (Again I have photos of Dinah thats what the family called her..)she moved from the North East of England and lived in Portsmouth till she died, I was lucky as when I was about 17yrs old I went down and spent a great holiday at her home
So Thank you again, please can you list the website you got the info can you tell I am a newbie....mega hugs Summerx
SCANLONS- North East-England, also America-Canada
TAYLOR-   England also Ireland
LYDON - England also Ireland
BRENNAN - North England, Ireland, Scotland

Offline Summers76

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Re: Researching ' SCANLON '
« Reply #8 on: Sunday 13 August 06 12:31 BST (UK) »
Phelim Scanlon (1863) with his parents on the 1871 census:

RG10/5045   Folio 16   Page 25
11 Tennant St, Hebburn

Phelim Scanlin - Head - 36 - Labourer - b. Ireland
Sarah Scanlin - Wife - 34 - b. Ireland
Catherine Scanlin - Dau - 12 - b. England
John Scanlin - Son - 11 - Scholar - b. England
Michael Scanlin - Son - 8 - Scholar - b. England
Philim Scanlin - Son - 7 - Scholar - b. England
Bridget Scanlin - 1 Dau - b. England

Same family in 1861:
RG9/3850  Folio 14  Page 22
Hodgson Mill, Cowpen, Northumberland

Phelim Scanlin - Head - 26 - Labourer to Masons - b. Ireland
Sarah Scanlin - Wife - 26 - b. Ireland
Ann Scanlin - Dau - 4 - b. Bellingham, Northumberland
John Scanlin - Son - 2 - b. Bellingham, Northumberland


A thousand thank you hugs, they are all related to, me off to (Happy cry again....) x Summer
SCANLONS- North East-England, also America-Canada
TAYLOR-   England also Ireland
LYDON - England also Ireland
BRENNAN - North England, Ireland, Scotland