I certainly agree that research isnt "easy"... but, at times its like a flow of info then BANG!... no further... for a while, then I either stop... for a lil while, till something crops up and re fires me, or i transfer to another family line... but yup, families were so inconsiderate! why didnt they know that we were all gonna get pc's and be able to go lookin to find out what they had for breakfast that morning before they went off to the coal mine back in 1821! LOL
What bugs me w my lot, is why cant they keep there names!!! lol, I have a Beatrice, who is actually a Bridget Catherine... even tho, (even her own daughter knew her as Beatrice!) a Bridget Sheldon, who is probably a sheldon sherdon, shiridin sheridan or churden...
And a grandad who is Thomas Alfred of 1904, but the 1911 census, has all his family where they should be, right street, house number, family members... but the first born, 1904, yep right year .. is John! LOL
all that said, I love tracing my tree, maybe its because i never knew My grandparents.. as to dads line, well... dont think i'll ever get far there.. as im a .... SMITH!
Midlands here too btw (Wolverhampton)
and of course, now I do have more leads that i need the archives for, woohooo.. but there open in feb and yep, it is feb right now.....so of course the archives now open mid march lol
But this sight has been wonderful and took me a lot further than i thought on the trickier sides, where I was hitting a wall, others here came forward and brought there bulldozers along with them, only to find the hidden family members waving at me from the other side of the wall lol