so after realising how closely we are related, I have been reading your other posts. I only found this site today so if you have any unanswerd question I can help with I will try. I also know nothing about this side of the family and can not work out where they fit in. I would be keen to find out.
So as per your other post,
Daughter May Stout Fraser (1888-1950)born Cambuslang who was my Gran.
They moved to Clydebank
There was also a son William McIntosh Fraser and I can't find out any info on him at all. I do have a book he owned published about1923 so I believe he was alive then.
I found it amussing that these two Wm's were marride in the same place just a couple of years apart and to girls with the same surname.
please see the attachment.
I noticed the the Minister signs it as "Minister to the Deaf", and wonder if one of them was. I also wonderd if that might be another avenue of resarch, as the probably keept records about that.
Well good night