Author Topic: Kinross-shire pre-1855 MI request  (Read 11935 times)

Offline DennyDescendant

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Kinross-shire pre-1855 MI request
« on: Monday 12 May 08 17:18 BST (UK) »

If anyone has the Kinross-shire burials book could they have a wee look for a John Miller and Mary Drummond please?

I know they were married in 1800 in Fossoway & Tullibole, they had their last child (as far as I can tell) in 1807. So possibly born around 1780ish and definitely died before 1855.


btw, this must be one of the least visited boards on the whole website.
Was it that sparsely populated? If anyone has Kinross-shire ancestors mine are Miller, Drummond, Gray, Dick and Honyman.
Black - Whitburn, Shotts, Airdrie
Robertson - Kilsyth, Denny, Govan
Russell - Lanarkshire
Hynd - Shotts
Miller - Fossoway & Tullibole
McGibbon - Argyleshire
Johnston - Kilarrow, Argyll
Garrett - Middlesex, London, Glasgow
Brown - Rothesay
Simpson - Leslie, Fife

Offline Old Scoonie

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Re: Kinross-shire pre-1855 MI request
« Reply #1 on: Friday 16 May 08 15:42 BST (UK) »
Hi, Derek,
I do agree about the least visited board, but I live in hope of finding long-lost relations.
My g.g.g.grandmother was also a Mary Drummond but she married John Bruce in 1802. I believe she was the daughter of John Drummond and Margaret Paterson. The Drummonds appear to have originated in Kinross and moved to Markinch before Mary's marriage. Don't know if this is of any interest to you.
Old Scoonie

Offline tommacgregor

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Re: Kinross-shire pre-1855 MI request
« Reply #2 on: Friday 20 June 08 09:16 BST (UK) »

Hello Derek,

I would have to agree with you, and it's a great pity. I see you mentioned the Dick family and the Honeyman family. Those names appear in my Family Tree, but the Dick family that I have, lived around Bannockburn, Stirlingshire and married into the Cooper's.

There would have to be quite a few of my "rellie's" laid to rest in Kinross, but I wouldn't have a clue where to start! Many of my family still live just over Benarty Hill from Loch Leven - what a breath-taking place that is.

My best wishes to you.


Offline JAP

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Re: Kinross-shire pre-1855 MI request
« Reply #3 on: Tuesday 16 September 08 09:08 BST (UK) »
Hi DennyDescendant and Old Scoonie,

Did you ever get any joy from your queries?

Kinross is certainly nor a popular board  :'(

My children's paternal Gggggpa was close by - in Kelty, Beath, Fife in 1847 - but mail came via Blairadam which was in Kinross-shire.



Offline Old Scoonie

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Re: Kinross-shire pre-1855 MI request
« Reply #4 on: Tuesday 16 September 08 10:37 BST (UK) »
Hi. Jap,
No, nothing. Thanks for your interest. I'm still trying to find further information about my 4xg.grandmother, Janet Curror(or Currer)
born Cleish.
Old Scoonie.

Offline ena36

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Re: Kinross-shire
« Reply #5 on: Wednesday 24 September 08 07:43 BST (UK) »
hello could not help noticing this board too. My great grandmother Janet YOUNG, some of her siblings and all of her 4 illigitimate children were born at Orwell or thereabouts in the late 1800's. I visited my greatgrandmother often in Milnathort as a child. She lived to be 90 from 1859 to 1949.
I now live in Canada and am trying to get on with the Family Tree from here.
Great reading all the messages.
My mother came from Kelty, FOTHERINGHAM was there name. Her father was from Clackmannan.
thanks for reading
Sutherlandshire: DOUGLAS, MACKIE, MURRAY

Offline Kinross Museum

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Re: Kinross-shire pre-1855 MI request
« Reply #6 on: Wednesday 08 September 10 15:43 BST (UK) »
Two Graves in Crook of Devon Drummond 26. 70.
One Grave in Crook of Devon Miller 97
One Grave in Old Fossoway Miller 16

This is probably of no interest but there are Millers in the transcript of the 1662
assize of the Witch Covin at the Crook of Devon.

Lykeways, the same day, in presence of the minister; William
Livingstone of Cmik Miln ; James Dick, at Powmill ; James Paton,
younger, in Aldie; ... at Powmilli Andrew Dowie, in
Cntik of Devon ; Robert Mailer, there ; Adam Keltic, portioner, of
Gelvin, ye, the taid Robert, declared that Elizabeth Dempster^
spouse to James Beveridge, in Thornton, was present at the hail
three meetings above written, with ane o . . piaid, ane blue
coat aboon, and white clothes under, and an blue apron with an
kurch on her head, and ye said that Marrion Fyfe, in the Cult Miln^
in the parish of Saline, was at the meeting at Gitvon's Craig.

Lykeways, ye, the raid Robert, declared that ye was not well of
an pain In the side of melt growing, and ye went to Isobel Black,
spouse of umquhill Henry Miller, and desired her to charm you
of the same, whllk she did, but you was not the better, and she
desired you to go to the deceased Isabel Rutherford, who did charm
you, and ye found yourself the better.



Ve, the laid Agnes Murie, are indited and accused, for coming to
Henry Andemon, he lieing coming from his nwing of beoTi and
Janet Millar, his spouse, and the said Agnes bemg in company with
them, ye, the said Agnes, said to the said Henry, " My bear land
would have been better had ye laid a leak lime upon it as ye did the
rest," and the said Henry said, " It needed none," and ye stid,
" What reak, it matters not, go in with me and get a snuff." Like-
ways ye said, *' I would ye had sown my lint seed in an drownit hoU in
Kilduff. " As also in the summer before, and divers times since, ye said
that there was never one that angered you but you got your heart syth
pf them, and having gotten an snuff, the said Ileniy said he would go


and turn the oxen out of the com. The said Janet Milbur laid to
the said Henry, " Ye are tyred enough, else I will g;o turn them."
Ye said, " Come again, Henry, and get another snuff, for devil an
pickle more ye will get of it;" and upon the mom thereafter ye said
to Isobel Wilson, servant to the said Henry, that the said Henry
shuik the sheet well enough yesterday, but he could not do it this
day; and immediately after he got the said snuff, coming to his own
house, he was strucken si)eecblcss, and lost the power of ane of hit
sides, and thus he continued fourteen days speechless, and ane year
thereafter or thereby, the said Henry and his spouse went to one
Robert Small at Newtyll, hearing that he was ane man of skill, to
seek remedy for his distress, and after the said Henry had told him
the nature of his disease, he answered and said, " Ye liked snuff
over well."

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Offline Lorna1320

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Re: Kinross-shire
« Reply #7 on: Monday 17 October 11 22:01 BST (UK) »
hello could not help noticing this board too. My great grandmother Janet YOUNG, some of her siblings and all of her 4 illigitimate children were born at Orwell or thereabouts in the late 1800's. I visited my greatgrandmother often in Milnathort as a child. She lived to be 90 from 1859 to 1949.
I now live in Canada and am trying to get on with the Family Tree from here.
Great reading all the messages.
My mother came from Kelty, FOTHERINGHAM was there name. Her father was from Clackmannan.
thanks for reading

Hi there - I notice you mentioned the surname FOTHERINGHAM - can you get in touch so that we can see if any of your ancestors married into the Thomson family from Aberlady, East Lothian?

MUAT (One Name Study) - World-Wide; Thomson/Burn/Dickson/Herkes/Muat/Briggs - East Lothian; Fyfe/Thomson/Mitchell/Petrie/Donaldson/Rust (plus others) - Angus; Dawson/Mudie - Dundee; McLauchlan - Blair Atholl