« Reply #425 on: Thursday 29 September 22 18:55 BST (UK) »
I have a Parmenas as an ancestor, his dad was a feltmaker in Bermondsey, but he was from the Midlands originally, thanks to his apprenticeship records from 1696. I wonder if Parmenas' mother had a Cornish connection in the family as Parmenas is said to be a Cornish name.
LONDON, Coombs, Roberts, Auber, Helsdon, Fradine, Morin, Goodacre
DORSET Coombs, Munday
NORFOLK Helsdon, Riches, Harbord, Budery
KENT Roberts, Goodacre
SUSSEX Walder, Boniface, Dinnage, Standen, Lee, Botten, Wickham, Jupp
SUFFOLK Titshall, Frost, Fairweather, Mayhew, Archer, Eade, Scarfe
DURHAM Stewart, Musgrave, Wilson, Forster
SCOTLAND Stewart in Selkirk
USA Musgrave, Saix
ESSEX Cornwell, Stock, Quilter, Lawrence, Whale, Clift
OXON Edgington, Smith, Inkpen, Snell, Batten, Brain