Yes, that was part of a general comment about modern day copyright.
This is partly observed, and partly speculative on my part, but here goes ......
I'm not an expert, but it seems that many of the laws of copyright are based on
printed material - originating in times when copying wasn't as easy as it is now.
The present ease of access through the internet and electronic data generally means that a massive rethink for copyright and the concept of "breach of copyright" is currently taken place, with discussions about "digital signatures", "licence fees" for personal computers and photo-copiers, analogous to the fees for performing rights/royalties for music.
At some time, every website - whether forum, blog or just information - will be affected in some way.
For every "offer" - for films, books, music, information, radio and television programs - on the internet, there is often a counter-reaction of lawsuits (real or threatened) from those who stand to lose revenues, which until then they had taken for granted. (remember Napster ?).
I suspect that electronic/Internet access is a totally new situation, for many of the present copyright laws, and many people/firms are trying to bend the existing copyright laws to cover as many situations as possible.