« Reply #28 on: Thursday 12 March 09 16:36 GMT (UK) »
The temenent house is definitely well worth a visit as of course is the People's Palace.
Hard to realise now the luxury of an indoor loo and a bath as well! That was wonderful when it came! Then central heating - tho that all came much later!
We're all spoiled nowadays.
Torrens, Thompson - Tyrone & Fermanagh,Connolly, Campbell - Monaghan & Cavan, McGovern, Carroll, Orr - Ireland <br />Connolly, Fulton, Stirling, Cameron, McKellar, Robertson, McGovern, Torrance, Bisland, Fraser, Hamilton, O'Hara, McAusland, McTaggart , Lambie, Twedale, Hart, Clark(Paisley/Barrhead/Glasgow)<br />McGovern, Liddell - Falkirk<br />Mair, Muir, Carroll, Stewart, Law, Orr - Lanarkshire <br />Torrance - Brisbane<br />Connolly , Robertson- NSW<br />McGovan(?), Robertson , Agnew-