In the Reno Evening Gazette from 2 Apr. 1915, in an article with Virginia City in the dateline, it says, "Charles Retallick left last night for Aurora, Nev."
In the Nevada State Journal from 10 Apr. 1936, it says that Virginia City Townsend club No. 1 was organized and has 50 members. Charles Retallick was listed as being on the advisory council.
In the Reno Evening Gazette from 9 Mar. 1942, it says "Charles Retallick, who resided on the Comstock for the last 48 years, died Sunday evening at a local hospital. A resident of Cornwall, England, Mr. Retallick was born November 15, 1870 and came to this country as a youth. Until the time of his illness he was employed in the Comstock mines. He leaves no known relatives. Funeral services will be announced later by the Crosby mortuary in Carson."
Charles was quoted in an article in the Nevada State Journal from 11 Jan. 1938 about a cave-in at the mine. He's listed as a veteran watchman for the Union Consolidated company and a Comstock miner for 40 years.