Hi Gill,
Thanks for the welcome. Since my previous post I have had to modify the familial connection between the Ebert and Weidner Pork Butchers in London. The existing Weidner PBs in the database were too young and in the wrong places in England.
Instead I have added 2 new entries to the PB database, ID:1952 WEIDNER, John Michael, and ID:1954 WEIDNER, John Andrew, and annotated the familial relationship to the nieces and nephews of PB database ID:160 EBERT, Heinrich Friedrich in them. These are the children of Heinrich Friedrich Ebert's brother and I believe the family connection stems from the marriage of a Johann Georg Weidner to Heinrich Friedrich's eldest sister Maria Margareta Ebert in Oberaspach, Wurrtemberg on Aug 2, 1808.
I too debated the issue of creating duplicate entries and have decided on a 2 pronged approach.
Approach 1: If the initial DB entry has only bare bones info, I go ahead and create a duplicate with my more detailed information. Obviously I won't do this if I have only minor shreds of evidence to add. At a future point my idea is to have the initial entry merged with the detailed entry and the database administrator can realign the ID #.
Approach 2: If I have information to add to an existing entry I use the Personal Messenger to send them a message with my additional information, and ask them to add it. I have been successfully doing this with Histres for the Heinrich Friedrich Ebert database entry and if you look at it you will find more information now.
However some of my other messages have yet to be answered and if after a reasonable wait period I plan to send a message to the database administration to either add the data and/or transfer the file to me for updating.
My research is all ancestor based, and sourced as best as possible. If I make an assumption I tell folks this in the comments, and I do not plan to create PB database entries unless I have a decent amount of information to impart. While doing my research I have been paying attention to other names in wills, census and marriage records and actually have plans to add several more PBs to the database, showing links to my family interests. By doing this I hope to spark more interest in adding to the database.
I also make extensive use of the comments field to add significant details such as exact DOB, DOD, date of British Naturalization, In-Laws, will executors etc to provide the research links for future and current users.
Also, check out my new entry for PB ID:1953 GLOCK, Johann Jakob Andreas, the son-in-law of PB ID:1954 WEIDNER, John MIchael.
Cheers ... Jim