The information on the marriage certificate should be accurate as it was provided by Norcott himself and you wouldn't think there would be any reason not to tell the truth, unless of course he didn't know his mother.

(Of course father's names can be made up to cover up illegitimacy).
It seems that the reason you are confused is that you are relying on the research of others. If you do your own research and back it up with certificates you should be fine. I can see that Camilla and Catherine's names could easily have been mixed up but at least the surname is the same. But Barbara Silver is something else!

It would still be worth trying to find his death just to check what mother's name is given. Death certs are the least accurate specially since the informant may not have known Norcott very well, or a child or wife may not have known his parents back in Ireland. I've found numerous examples of wrong parent's names on d/c's - usually a mixup such as your Camillla vs Catherine dilemma (similar sounding names).
Are any of Norcott's children's names the same as any of his parent's names?
So you need to go to Ireland to attempt to find Norcott's birth ....

Irish research is another kettle of fish completely. I've got nowhere with mine, but some seem to do quite well. Good luck with that.

We do have Irish boards on rootschat.