I have had another look and I think the witnesses were Joseph and Lavinia Greaves - I believe Lavinia was Lavinia French prior to her marriage. I have found a Joseph Greaves born c1834 in Staffs, which would make him about the same age as Job. Just a thought of course.
The spelling of Janes fathers surname also has me confused. The writing is not clear but it actually looks like Popper.
This is one mystery I would so like to solve now 
there is a marriage for Joseph Greaves to Lavinia French Dec q 1864 Darlington
they are living in Stoke on Trent 1881 with children
Joseph 40Hanley Lab. , Lavinia 34 Middlesbro', Eliza 14, Mary A 13, Lavinia 11, Joseph H 5 & Priscilla 2
can see no obvious family connection other than friends of Job & Jane!!
No luck with a marriage for Jane PIPPETT prior to marrying Job in 1872 - can only assume there has been no marriage between Jane PIPPETT & John DORRICOTT

The only one I could find prior to 1872 was 1868 Stoke on Trent Jane POPPITT/POFFITT to Samuel EMERY, thought I'd got lucky when I saw they had two sons Thomas 6 & Joseph 5 with the middle name of POPPITT on 1871 census in Stoke on Trent Hanley, but birth date was wrong for Jane anyway
Checked the 1881 census Samuel Emery 40 Stafford & Jane 38 (1843) Shropshire are there with their children Thomas Poppitt Emery 16, Joseph Poppit Emery 15, Mary Emily 13, Annie 11, Flora 9 & Samuel 3

Hope not too cause any confusion - may not be related, as there are so many reply's I do apologise if this has been covered and I've missed the reply but there is also this christening for a
9/11/1845 Church Stoke
mother Jane POPPETT