Thank you Stewart,
Henry is buried in Culross New Cemetery along with his son James [my Grandad] born 28 Sep 1889 at Orchard Farm, Alloa - he died 28/12/1947 in Knaresborough, Yorks whilst visiting his daughter Mary [Scotland Donaldson]. Although, acc to my father, Henry is actually buried in Culross Old West Kirk Cemetery? James was also a miner until badly injured.
James' wife was Mary Scotland Stupart [from Kincardine-on-Forth]. James had 2 sons as well as daughter Mary: George and Henry [known as Harry],[All are now deceased]. George was my dad [died 29/3/2002]. James had continued to live at West End, Low Valleyfield as did my dad until 1957 when we moved to High Valleyfield [his brother Harry already lived in High Valleyfield]. Uncle Harry used to play the accordion and played in a band when younger! Harry had 2 children - Moira who lives in Kincardine and John who lives in Dunfermline.
For info:
Henry's children were, in age old to young, Annie,Jess,James,Robert,Harry,Andrew,John,David[died age 4],Agnes and Jeanie [briefly met her in 1995 when she was 84].
It was quite difficult getting any info out of the older generations!