Interesting witness at that 1870 marriage given the French/Belgium connections in Constance's family:
RG10/70 45/32 (1871)
Barclay Road, Fulham
Marius Niviere, 35, schoolmaster b. France
Emily, wife, 36, b. Epsom Surrey shows him in 1874 at Chesterfield House, Barclay Road
(Niviere and Neviere are both surnames found particularly in SE France).
They seem to disappear after this.
RG10/189 61/19 (1871)
50 South Hill Park, Hampstead
John R Lyell (or Lyall?), 26, clerk of police Marylebone P.C., b. Scotland
Martha E, wife, 24, civil servant's wife, b. Islington has a couple of hits for John Ronaldson Lyell who was a clerk at the Marylebone Police Court.
"origin" on a Canadian census is from the father's line; "H.S." here is probably "N.S." for Nova Scotia, but his father was from England so he's "English". This field tends to get somewhat less accurate the further back in time the original immigrant ancestor was.