Author Topic: Settle family- halifax,hipperholme,Brighouse  (Read 7535 times)

Offline woodydog

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Settle family- halifax,hipperholme,Brighouse
« on: Tuesday 10 May 05 14:10 BST (UK) »
Hello- is anyone resaerching this family?
I have letters from Alfred Settle to his wife Mary dated between 1858 & 1861 from America (includes some detail on the civil war). These have been passed down through my step nans (Bertha Smith) family. Along with wife mary names mentioned are Luke, Arthur,James & Romeo (sons of Alfred & mary) Alfreds mother Fanny, Aunt Martha & son James, brother George & brother William. I've managed to find some of the above on the 1861 census but if anyone has any info on the family when Alfred was with them in 1851 I'd love to hear from you- I believe that he stayed in America somewhere around Philedelphia. I'm more than willing to share the transcribed letters with anyone who can confirm a connection to the family.
All the best
Pratt- Catterick/Richmond N.Yorks & Wilsden/Halifax West Yorks
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Harris- Bradford, Prestwich Manchester
SMITH!! Kirkcaldy, Manchester
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Settle - Halifax & Brighouse
Census information is Crown Copyright, from

Offline PaulineJ

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Re: Settle family- halifax,hipperholme,Brighouse
« Reply #1 on: Thursday 16 June 05 20:56 BST (UK) »

I'd suugest trying the online indexes at for your Settle family. (pay-per-view)

The Calderdale( halifax) and Kirklees databases (huddersfield) should have just about all that area covered.

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Offline winston

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Re: Settle family- halifax,hipperholme,Brighouse
« Reply #2 on: Thursday 16 June 05 22:45 BST (UK) »

Just curious as you mention Civil War, do you think this could be some info on him

Name:    Alfred Settle ,   
Enlistment Date:    15 October 1861 
Distinguished Service:    DISTINGUISHED SERVICE 
Side Served:    Confederacy 
State Served:    Kentucky 
Unit Numbers:    1900 
Service Record:    Enlisted as a Private on 15 October 1861
Enlisted in Company E, 6th Infantry Regiment Kentucky on 15 October 1861.

Any census information included in this post is Crown Copyright, from

Blakeley in Batley West Yorks
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Dann last known area Soothill West Yorks
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Offline woodydog

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Re: Settle family- halifax,hipperholme,Brighouse
« Reply #3 on: Friday 17 June 05 07:11 BST (UK) »
Hi Wendy & thanks for your reply- I really seem to be getting nowhere with finding him either in the States or returning to England so this Alfred could be a possibility.We have about 7 letters that he sent to his wife, all of them are pretty emotional & a very interesting piece of social history. He obviously left to make a better life for him & his family, (he mentions them joining him often but it would appear that they never did).It's only in his last letter that he mentions the war by describing a company of soldiers being in the town were he was (somewhere in Penn State- I forget where offhand as I've returned the letters to my mum for safekeeping) I even have the date that he arrived in New York & I've searched ancestry & the Ellis Island site but haven't been able to find him. I would like to share the letters with someone after all his family cared enough to pass them down through the generations for nearly 150 years. If you have any ideas on how to trace ancestors in the US I'd be very grateful (I'm not too hot on it !!)
Thanks again , I'll keep this information safe & try to follow it up.
Pratt- Catterick/Richmond N.Yorks & Wilsden/Halifax West Yorks
Maylor- Preston/ Poulton Le Fylde
Whitaker- Halifax
Dixon- London & Yorkshire
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Harris- Bradford, Prestwich Manchester
SMITH!! Kirkcaldy, Manchester
Sturgess-  Preston Candover, Hampshire & London
Nixon- London
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Settle - Halifax & Brighouse
Census information is Crown Copyright, from

Offline Lindyboo

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Re: Settle family- halifax,hipperholme,Brighouse
« Reply #4 on: Saturday 02 July 05 20:58 BST (UK) »
Hello woodydog

In researching my Sykes ancestry there is mention of a Luke Settle.  I have found him on the 1841  and 1851 censuses living at Slead Syke in Brighouse.  Although this Luke is no relation to me he is famous in the local area (Brighouse/Huddersfield) for being the man who helped my ancestor Susanna Sykes, later Mrs Susan Sunderland, in her career as a famous soprano.

In 1841 he is shown as aged 60.  In the household are: Jubal, 20; Alfred 7; Martha 20; Jonathan Oldfield 15.  Luke's profession is 'Whitesmith'.  On the 1851 he is shown as aged 61 and only Jubal remains in the household.

If the above is of any interest let me know.

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Offline woodydog

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Re: Settle family- halifax,hipperholme,Brighouse
« Reply #5 on: Saturday 02 July 05 23:02 BST (UK) »
Hi Lindyboo- any information is most welcome but the Luke that you have isn't actually the Luke I have written about in the letters- however the Luke you have could possibly be either the father or possibly a brother of Alfred.(she says very hopefully!!) Do you have access to the 1851 & 1841 census for the Hipperholme / Brighouse area? If you do could I possibly beg a very large favour- could you do a search for Alfred & Mary before Alfred left for America.
If so the few confirmed details I have are as follows
Mary Settle would be 21 years of age & Alfred about the same, Mary was noted as being born in Brighouse (1861) & Hipperholme (1871) their oldest son ( well I think he was the oldest was noted as being born in Brighouse either at the end of 1851 or beginning of 1852 so I believe the family were there then-  it would be lovely if you could find them -as I say I have nothing about Alfred being in this country as he left around 1858 so all I have are the letters & without having a reasonable idea of his age it 's very difficult to get anywhere further.
I'll keep my fingers crossed but I know how long it can take to search the older census's so no worries if you can't.
Pratt- Catterick/Richmond N.Yorks & Wilsden/Halifax West Yorks
Maylor- Preston/ Poulton Le Fylde
Whitaker- Halifax
Dixon- London & Yorkshire
Boyling-Oldham,Royton & Shropshire
Harris- Bradford, Prestwich Manchester
SMITH!! Kirkcaldy, Manchester
Sturgess-  Preston Candover, Hampshire & London
Nixon- London
Walters- London & Hampshire
Settle - Halifax & Brighouse
Census information is Crown Copyright, from

Offline Lindyboo

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Re: Settle family- halifax,hipperholme,Brighouse
« Reply #6 on: Sunday 03 July 05 14:27 BST (UK) »
Hello Rose

I'll be glad to examine the 1841 and 1851, but I wonder if you could give me a bit more detail - assuming you have any, of course.  You mention that you've found entries on the 1861 and 1871.  If you have addresses from those they'll be helpful in narrowing my search.

McDANIELSON - worldwide
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ASPINALL/SYKES - Brighouse & Ripponden

Offline woodydog

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Re: Settle family- halifax,hipperholme,Brighouse
« Reply #7 on: Sunday 03 July 05 18:10 BST (UK) »
Thanks Lindy- I'm really struggling to find Alfred anywhere!!
1861 details are
Living at Waterloo (no number noted) - Hipperholme cum Brighouse
Mary Settle Boarder in the house of Fanny Smith (possibly a relative?!)age 31 - no occupation noted but noted as married
with sons James age 9, Arthur age 7 ,Luke age 5,  all noted as born in Brighouse.
In 1871 living at Kew or New Street, Hipperholme cum Brighouse.
Mary Settle age 41 born Hipperholme- again no occupation, with James  19, Arthur age 15!, Luke 14 years & Mary Ellen 5 years all born Brighouse.
Obviously Mary Ellen was born after Alfred left but who could blame Mary after being left for at least 13 years !  In the letters there is mention of a boy being born circa 1859 who was named Romeo Settle because of his fathers wanderlust he died around 1861 from the dates of his fathers letters .. Alfred mentions " our mother Fanny" & brother George, brother William & sister Betty in his letters as well but whether these are Alfred's or Mary's relatives I can't be sure- but the letters have been handed down through the Smith Family so I'm hoping that Fanny on the census might be a relative  even though Mary is noted as a boarder.
I know it took 7 weeks for Alfred to get to America ( with some kind of mutiny on board his ship!) & he landed at Castle gardens,New York  & he stayed in New york for the  Tuesday night (the 14th September 1858) but can I find him on any ships passenger list- can I ecky thump!!!! I feel I know the man but can't find him  anywhere- I also know he left due to some kind of big"trouble" which included the payment of a "Leeds loan" & debts to other members of the family- to be truthful he was a bit self pitying beggar!!!!!
 I don't have children myself & would dearly love to one day hand these letters to someone else who would care for them as much as they have been cared about for the past 150 years-I've written to museums in Philidelphia & roundabouts and heard nothing so it looks like the obvious thing to do is hand them over to Calderdale Archives or museums service but I'd much rather hand them to a family member- in every letter he ends by saying "take care of all letters"- I feel it's the least I can do as I can't send him a copy of the Halifax Guardian (which he also asks for !!!!)
Thank you!
Pratt- Catterick/Richmond N.Yorks & Wilsden/Halifax West Yorks
Maylor- Preston/ Poulton Le Fylde
Whitaker- Halifax
Dixon- London & Yorkshire
Boyling-Oldham,Royton & Shropshire
Harris- Bradford, Prestwich Manchester
SMITH!! Kirkcaldy, Manchester
Sturgess-  Preston Candover, Hampshire & London
Nixon- London
Walters- London & Hampshire
Settle - Halifax & Brighouse
Census information is Crown Copyright, from

Offline winston

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Re: Settle family- halifax,hipperholme,Brighouse
« Reply #8 on: Sunday 03 July 05 21:48 BST (UK) »

1851 census - posting this just incase the Smiths do turn out to be related the Settle family

Sorry to tag on but I believe this is Fanny Smith (from the 1861) and her children with her father present Mr Richardson

 Township Hipperholme cum Brighouse Address Waterloo Name Smith Ellen Status – Rel Dau gender Female Age 9 Occupation Scholar Place of Birth Lightcliffe County Yks deaf – Piece 2297 ED 2g Schedule 123 Folio 388

 Township Hipperholme cum Brighouse Address Waterloo Name Smith Fanny Status W Rel Head gender Female Age 51 Occupation Charwoman Place of Birth Rastrick County Yks deaf – Piece 2297 ED 2g Schedule 123 Folio 388

 Township Hipperholme cum Brighouse Address Waterloo Name Smith Susy Status U Rel Dau gender Female Age 19 Occupation Factory Girl Place of Birth Lightcliffe County Yks deaf – Piece 2297 ED 2g Schedule 123 Folio 388

Township Hipperholme cum Brighouse Address Waterloo Name Smith Hannah Status – Rel Dau gender Female Age 11 Occupation Factory Girl Place of Birth Lightcliffe County Yks deaf – Piece 2297 ED 2g Schedule 123 Folio 388

 Township Hipperholme cum Brighouse Address Waterloo Name Smith Sarah Status – Rel Dau gender Female Age 13 Occupation Factory Girl Place of Birth Lightcliffe County Yks deaf – Piece 2297 ED 2g Schedule 123 Folio 388

Township Hipperholme cum Brighouse Address Waterloo Name Richardson John Status – Rel Father gender Male Age 81 Occupation Hand Loom Weaver Place of Birth Rastrick County Yks deaf – Piece 2297 ED 2g Schedule 123 Folio 388

Township Hipperholme cum Brighouse Address Waterloo Name Smith Betty Status – Rel Dau gender Female Age 14 Occupation Factory Girl Place of Birth Lightcliffe County Yks deaf – Piece 2297 ED 2g Schedule 123 Folio 388

Any census information included in this post is Crown Copyright, from

Blakeley in Batley West Yorks
Turner in Hanging Heaton West Yorkshire
Dann last known area Soothill West Yorks
Hirst in Hanging heaton W Yorks
Moss in Morley and Leeds
Parker in Morley W Yorks
Parker in Hull E Yorks
Tilburns in Morley W Yorks