Author Topic: where do I start  (Read 6085 times)

Offline Jillps

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where do I start
« on: Monday 19 March 12 00:40 GMT (UK) »
Hi all,

I am thinking about trying to pull together my family tree. As I am one of the younger members of my family a lot had passed away before I was born. I have very limited information and dates regarding my immediate family and was wondering if anyone can tell me where to begin.  I have looked on the internet and some companies want you to pay a registration fee, which I would be happy to do if it's of value. Any guidance would be appreciated.

Offline patrexjax

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Re: where do I start
« Reply #1 on: Monday 19 March 12 00:51 GMT (UK) »
Hello and a warm welcome to Rootschat!  ;D  There are many threads on this topic, but basically, you should start with yourself and then write down information about each of your parents: Birth date and place; their marriage date and death dates, if you know them.  Just continue on that same pattern for THEIR parents and so on.  You can down load free pedigree charts and family group sheets from  You haven't told us what country your parents and grandparents lived.......  no matter where, you still need to write down what you know.....and, then the fun begins!  You should obviously try to verify what you know so that it can lead you to those areas you aren't sure about.  There are lots of people willing to help you.....Just remember that Rootschat is NOT designed to help you with any living people, so please do not make reference to any.  This will be a journey that will grab your heart and soul!   ;D  We look forward to helping you in any way.  There are lots of FREE sources on line.  Don't hesitate to ask for help here on Rootschat!  Happy hunting!  Pat
ERRINGTON: West Denton, NBL; 
FAIRLESS: Longbenton, NBL;
HARDING: Hollinside, Co. Durham;
KING: Newcastle-on-Tyne & Berwickshire;
LOCKEY: Ryton, Whickham, Co. Durham & YKS; NICHOLSON: Ponteland, Newburn, NBL; PAXTON: Norham, NBL;
PAULIN: Berwickshire; REAY, Ponteland, NBL;
SCOTT: Norham, NBL; SELBY: Tweedmouth, NBL;
SLIGH: Berwickshire; SPOOR: Whickham & Ryton;

Offline Ruskie

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Re: where do I start
« Reply #2 on: Monday 19 March 12 01:20 GMT (UK) »
Welcome to rootschat Jillps!  :)

If you look at the top of the rootschat page you will see "Welcome, Forum, Help, etc" ... Click on "Forum", and the first thing on the list is "Beginners". Here you will find lots of hints and tips.

At this point do not part with any money. There are a lot of free resources online, some better than others depending on where your family are from. You can also get free trials with some of the subscription sites which would be wise to do before you pay up.

At Pat advised, write down as much as you know about your family. Always keep any reference numbers and details of where you found each piece of information (as many of us didn't at the beginning  :() and it can help later on in your research.

How much knowledge do you already have about your ancestors? For example, do you know:
your grandparents or great grandparents?
dates of their birth or marriage?

If your research is in the UK this is a good simple free site that we all use:

You may find some of your ancestors there.

Alternatively, if you would like a little help to get started, if you give us some names and dates (as long as the person is no longer living), we will try to help. Where are you located and where is your research? (not too much detail is required - eg. country and county will be enough).

One thing which throws a lot of beginners, is spellings of surnames. You need to be flexible, as in the past spellings were not so important. There are often numerous different spellings for some surnames, and even in the same document. So if your ancestor was 'Frederick Arthur Brown', do not dismiss 'Fredk Arther Browne'.  ;) First names and middle names can sometimes be swapped around too - something to keep in mind. And complete misspellings happen a lot, so you may wish to search by first names if you can't find your ancestor in the census for example.

You also need to double check all of your findings against as much documentary evidence that you can find. There can be numerous people born around the same time in the same place, with the same names, so you need to ensure that you are following the correct Fred Brown for example. Your Fred may be a shoemaker, and the other Fred may be a farmer, so you would use the occupation to find the correct Fred.

If your research is in the UK, when you get back to family living in 1911 and earlier, the censuses, taken every 10 years, give a snapshot of the family and are a good way to trace siblings and earlier generations.

It sounds a bit overwhelming at first, but you will soon get the hang of it. And please just ask here on rootschat for help or confirmation.

Family history is a very addictive hobby and rootschat is the best place to hang out if you have a passion for it.

Offline Jillps

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Re: where do I start
« Reply #3 on: Monday 19 March 12 16:07 GMT (UK) »
Thank you so much guys, what a truly warm welcome. 

I saw someone else on here that appears to be a member of my grandparents family doing some research so that has given me a bit more of a start than I had a few days ago.  I am in the unenviable position of having very little information about my extended family. Both parents are deceased as are all granparents, auntie's and uncle's (as far as I understand)

In answer to some of your questions, I believe my Dad was born in Bradford, West Yorks and My Mum in Birmingham and all I have so far is their dates of birth, no idea when or where they were married (gosh is it bad that I know so little about my own parents ?  :-\ )

The information I do have is My mum was Patricia May Lillian Simkiss born 19/5/1933 Died 16/02/2011 Married 3 times her last surname was Crookes, she had 2 brothers Edward, Gerald and a sister Elizabeth (no idea of dob for any of them and all deceased) No information on my Mum's parents as they had all passed before I was born.
My Dad Victor ? Crookes born ??/10/1931 (I think) died April 1982/3 (I was only young when he died so aren't certain of the exact date) he was one of 4 children according to the other person researching on here (Under the topic of Ethel Crookes) however I thought he had a sister too but I could be mistaken. My Grandma's name was Ethel Crookes.

I will gladly take your suggestions on board and keep thorough notes. I will begin by having a look on the freebdm website you suggested and see where that takes me. 

Again thank you both for you very supportive offers of help, I do appreciate it.

Kind regards

Offline PaulineJ

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Re: where do I start
« Reply #4 on: Monday 19 March 12 16:18 GMT (UK) »
The "Ethel Crookes" thread is here. (for our reference as much as yours)
Hopefully you will get a reply from the poster on there.,556951.0.html

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Offline lizdb

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Re: where do I start
« Reply #5 on: Monday 19 March 12 16:19 GMT (UK) »
Here is your mum's birth from the indexes:

Ap/May/Jun 1933
Patricia ML Simkiss
mothers maiden name Birch
Birmingham ref 6d 367

And her brothers -
Gerald M S Simkiss
mothers maiden name Birch
Jan/Feb/Mar 1925
Birmingham S

Edward R F Simkiss
Mothers maiden name Birch
Oct/Nov/Dec 1926
Birmingham S

and I wonder if sister ELizabeth was actually Vilma Elizabeth?

Ap/May/Jun 1928
mothers maiden name Birch
Vilma E Simkiss
Birmingham S

Getting your mum's birth cert will tell you her parents names.
Cam be ordered online from using the ref I gave above.

I cant see an obvious Simkiss/Birch marriage - so I do wonder if it was a second marriage and the bride was not actually called Birch for this marriage, or something like that.

But wil be easier to look when the onfo from Patricia's birth cert has been gleaned.
Edmonds/Edmunds - mainly Sussex
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Offline Jillps

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Re: where do I start
« Reply #6 on: Monday 19 March 12 16:26 GMT (UK) »
By gum, you guys are quick!! This is great thank you. The information on all my mum's siblings is correct and 'Aunty Betty' was indeed called Vilma but she hated the name so used her middle name :)

How on earth did you find all that info so quickly? I will as you suggest order a copy of mums borth cert to confirm more details.

Thanks again

Offline gortonboy

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Re: where do I start
« Reply #7 on: Monday 19 March 12 16:28 GMT (UK) »
There is a marriage in Worcester in 1920 between a

MCHUGH {mayo/manchester}   OHora,MCHALE{mayo/manchester /chicago}  KENNY{Manchester}   TIMPERLEY{wilmslow-bollin fee,Manchester} SMITH{manchester}  LEE{Colne,manchester,Cheshire} VENABLES {Styal.Cheshire} PAYTON {Staffs/Manchester}McCARTHY{TIPPERARY/MANCHESTER}  EAMES/AMS/HEAMES/HAMES/AYMES {Wilmslow/Manchester} Eames/Aymes  {Ireland/Manchester/Cheshire
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Offline lizdb

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Re: where do I start
« Reply #8 on: Monday 19 March 12 16:31 GMT (UK) »
Dont know why that didnt come up for me, Gortonboy!

I can see it now.

May well be the right people, but best to get Patricia's birth cert to confirm.

If it turns out that parents are Edward and Blanche then we are well away!
With unusual names like Simkiss and Birch, I reckon you've found though!

Edmonds/Edmunds - mainly Sussex
DeBoo - London
Green - Suffolk
Parker - Sussex
Kemp - Essex
Farrington - Essex
Boniface - West Sussex

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