I've spent oodles of time trying to find the connection between this lady and Tam Purdie. I'm sure it's her married name that is mentioned (Rogers) as that is the maiden name of my grandmother and the article states that she bears *purdie's* name. Unfortunately the news clipping is not dated but I'm fairly certain it was published in Crieff. I've attached the original old clipping that was in our family bible. Also here is text from an entry in an Australian Newspaper published May 29, 1909, so one would expect she was born 1809 or 1808. It also seems at least one of her children moved to Australia. If I'm posting in the wrong group let me know please, but so far almost 100% of my mother's ancestors are from the Rutherglen area or have connections there. My great grandfather is pictured in "Rutherglen Lore". Any help would be very much appreciated. As an aside, I'm quite surprised that the famous Tam does not have a wiki page. At least not that I could find. He is mentioned of course in Sir Walter Scott's page, but does not have his own.
"Mrs. Rogers, of Crieff, Scotland, an aunt
of Mr. W. R. Thomson, of Mount Barker,
completed her IOOth year on April 4. Mrs.
Rogers has good hearing and eyesight, a
voice cleat and lusty in tone, and a good
memory. She enjoys excellent health, and
takes an active interest in domestic affairs.
She possesses a beautiful silver tea service
given to her by the grandparents of the
Right Hon. A. J. Balfour oft her marriage
over 60 years ago. Mrs. Rogers' grand
uncle, known as "Tam Purdie," was long a
favorite servant, of Sir Walter Scott, the
author of the Waverley novels."
Sincere thanks for any help or pointing me in the right direction. If the clipping is too small to read I can try and resize it again. It was too big for this site.
Jean from Alberta, Canada