Hi, all!
As the title suggests, I'm a descendant of the Love Family from Northumberland (3 or 4 generations), but before that, apparently Lowestoft, Suffolk, and also Middlesex before that...but mysteriously, again before then, the line goes back up to Northumberland once more and eventually lands up beside the MacKinnon Clan, Isle of Skye...or so certain trains of research suggest!
Anyone know any differently, on the origins of my surname, please? Rumours abound that there were two origins - Anglo-Saxon Suffolk, and also the MacKinnons (a 'sept' division), both obviously several hundred years ago. I'd just like any pointers, so that I don't go too far astray, if possible, please?
Strangely enough, I was born in East London - and now live in Suffolk! I've been here 10yrs, but I had no idea of family connections until just a week ago - and odd, too, that my Grandfather's Grandfather and siblings should be born here...