Author Topic: May or O'May Family  (Read 1771 times)

Offline may2491

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May or O'May Family
« on: Tuesday 01 January 13 12:39 GMT (UK) »

I am looking for any May or O'May families in this area.  My great-grandfather and
his parents were born in North County Dublin.  There is a possibility that their
ancestors might have been from this area though that may be going back many
many generations.  Also, any general history of the May or O'May
families is appreciated such as locations, occupations, migrations.

I am posting this same request in Ayr.

Thank you,
Co. Dublin: May

Offline MonicaL

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Re: May or O'May Family
« Reply #1 on: Wednesday 02 January 13 14:46 GMT (UK) »
Hi Tim

If I could give you some advice to try to help you get some relevant contributions. Your post is likely too general. You can imagine how many O'/Mays will show in the historical records in the Renfrewshire area and also elsewhere in Scotland.

Although you say your O'Mays could have had ancestors originating in Scotland, have you followed this through to see where the research takes you?

Monica  :)
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Offline may2491

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Re: May or O'May Family
« Reply #2 on: Wednesday 02 January 13 15:41 GMT (UK) »
Hi Monica,

Thank you for responding.  You're right that this is a general request.  I will
try and narrow it down.

We know from census records that my paternal Gt-Grandfather and his parents
were born in Ireland.  My Gt-Grandfather was born about 1868 and emigrated
to America as a young man.  His father was in shipping, boating or fishing and
at one time had a boat at port in Scotland.  Also, although my great-grandparents
met and married in America, her side had ancestry in Scotland.  Also, my paternal
mother's side has quite a bit of Scottish background.  This is too much to go into here and
I am trying to focus on my lineage through the Gt-Grandfather.

In short, I know my paternal Gt-Grandfather's side has at least some Irish background
but it is hard to determine how far back the family goes in Ireland.  Also, the name May
in Ireland may be Irish, English or Scottish.  It is ultimately English but it may also be
anglicized from an Irish name.  Also, May and O'May seem to be common in Scotland.
This is where I come up with my question.  Part of my question is genealogical and part has
to do with curiosity of the May and O'May surname history in Scotland.  Also, there is a related question of migration of families between the Isles.  Thank you for any leads.

Co. Dublin: May