Author Topic: Michael dennis  (Read 491 times)

Offline greeneyesgudge

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Michael dennis
« on: Monday 18 February 13 00:11 GMT (UK) »
Hi my father in law was adopted bye a William bridger .his real father is a Michael Dennis .aparently he was a squadron leader in the raf bombers and was based at Colchester aparently he also got medals for his time in the raf but I can't find him .I dont know his dob or were he was originally born .his son Michael who was adopted born was born 1950 .michael Dennis died young so we have been told and left littlle Michaels mum at the alter
goodchild,gray,pitcher,popejoy,page,paul,edmonds,norris quatreman,gutteridge..wycombe birmingham .lazarus john francis india ,garrood,flick essex burnham ,Gudge surry n dorset ,alderton walton on thames an hampshire  kezia stapley frensham surry  ,holcroft bishopsgate manchester,matilda moxham jefferys bermondsey charles coates suffolk n cobham surry,mary white ripley surrey .turner suffolk .Fox n bruckshaw manchester ireland .clegg lancashire and moore ireland ,joseph clegg manchester