Author Topic: Caroline Mabbott birth  (Read 1162 times)

Offline henrietta165

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Caroline Mabbott birth
« on: Saturday 10 August 13 10:44 BST (UK) »
I’m trying to find birth information for my 3rd great grandmother, Caroline Mabbott. This is what I do know.
From her death cert: she was born in London 1808 or 1809; her father was Joseph Mabbott, fruiterer. However, she was 92 when she died and since she was then living in Australia and her husband and had long since died, the only people who could have provided this information were her surviving children so it is not necessarily accurate.
Her ages on other documents / sources give a birth year range from 1807 to 1811.
At the time of her marriage to John Henry Stead, 26 Mar 1826, she was living in the parish of St Marylebone, County of Middlesex. John and Caroline lived for a few years in the US and Canada, before returning to England and settling in Devon, where the family (they now had 4 children) was recorded in the 1841 census (Stead has been transcribed as Head). Among the other members of this household was Lydia Mabbott, 15 (can’t read her occupation). She could have been Caroline’s much younger sister, or perhaps she was a niece or cousin?
I have not found any birth records for Caroline, daughter of Joseph. Ancestry have lots of trees with father William Mabbott and mother Elizabeth Painty, with Caroline being born, or at least baptised in 1814 (or 1816, Family search), but this was in Nottingham, not London, and this Caroline would be too young. Surely this must be a different Caroline.
I have found baptism records for 6 children whose parents were Thomas and Lydia Mabbott, including Caroline Mabbott, born 9 Oct 1809 and baptised 29 Oct 1809 St Andrew, Middlesex – which is right in the middle of my possible date of birth range and roughly the right geographical location. There was also an older sister called Lydia. I don’t think Lydia was a very common name so the fact that “my” Caroline had a Lydia Mabbott living with her makes it very tempting to think that this could be “my” Caroline Mabbott, with the 15 year old Lydia from the census being a niece or cousin.
So, was Caroline’s father Joseph, William or Thomas? Or none of the above? How can I find out?

Offline jim1

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Re: Caroline Mabbott birth
« Reply #1 on: Saturday 10 August 13 17:28 BST (UK) »
Lydia Mabbott / assist. ( assistant )
Lydia is listed as being born in Devon.St. Martin's in the Field Westminster has a Frederick William Mabbott Ch. 1819 with parents Thomas & Lydia.Thomas is listed as a fruiterer.
Warks:Ashford;Cadby;Clarke;Clifford;Cooke Copage;Easthope;
Salop:Easthope,Eddowes,Hoorde,Oteley,Vernon,Talbot,De Neville.
India Kane;Felton;Cadby
Kings of Wessex & Scotland
Census information is Crown copyright,from

Offline henrietta165

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Re: Caroline Mabbott birth
« Reply #2 on: Monday 12 August 13 14:46 BST (UK) »
Thanks Jim1. I just wasn't looking hard enough (although no matter how hard I looked I never would have got "assist"). I think the fact that Thomas was a fruiterer means that I can say that he and Lydia could be Caroline's parents.
I posted this in "Beginners" because I am one! Can anyone tell me where I should have put it?

Offline jim1

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Re: Caroline Mabbott birth
« Reply #3 on: Monday 12 August 13 16:47 BST (UK) »
Beginners  :D
The entry before Frederick in the Christening book is an entry for a son of Joseph Mabbott builder so someone may have mixed up Thomas with Joseph assuming they were brothers of course.
Warks:Ashford;Cadby;Clarke;Clifford;Cooke Copage;Easthope;
Salop:Easthope,Eddowes,Hoorde,Oteley,Vernon,Talbot,De Neville.
India Kane;Felton;Cadby
Kings of Wessex & Scotland
Census information is Crown copyright,from

Offline henrietta165

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Re: Caroline Mabbott birth
« Reply #4 on: Thursday 13 October 16 14:55 BST (UK) »
Just in case anyone else is researching this Caroline Mabbott, the mystery of her parents is now solved. While searching for Joseph and/or Thomas Mabbott I found a grave stone at Cheshunt, Hertfordshire(Find a Grave Index) for Joseph Mabbott b abt 1770, d 8 Apr 1842 (and his wife Elizabeth) and his brother Thomas b about 1767, d 16 Jul 1845.
Then I came across this same Joseph Mabbott’s will (Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills). Residence: Cheshaunt, Hertfordshire. Probate date: 11 May 1842
He left £200 to the niece of his late wife and “unto my brother Thomas Mabbott the sum of £20, unto Joseph Mabbott son of my brother Thomas the sum of £10, unto Ann Mabbott wife of the said Joseph Mabbott the sum of £10, and the whole of the remainder of the monies ...etc... Caroline Stead, daughter of my brother Thomas, Edward Mabbott son of my brother Thomas, Lydia Mabbott daughter of my brother Thomas, John Mabbott son of my brother William, Joseph Mabbott son of my brother John...” Since the will uses Caroline’s married name this is proof that Caroline’s father was Thomas and her uncle was Joseph. The informant for the death cert got the occupation (fruiterer) right but the name wrong. Thomas and his wife Lydia lived at Covent Garden. Lydia (nee Hardman) died in 1822 and was buried at Covent Garden. Later (when he had retired?) Thomas moved to Cheshunt, Hertfordshire as did his brother Joseph. Thomas is in the 1841 census along with his second (or possibly third) wife Ruth. His occupation: “Independent”. Residence: Cheshunt Hertfordshire.