I am trying to trace more information about the Webb family of Gloucester. I have Nathaniel Webb,
his wife Sarah Webb, they had two children, Thomas and Jane. In 1841 they lived in Rack Hill,
Bisley, Stroud. Nathaniel was a millman? in the later 1851 census both children had left, and the
census shows that Nathaniels sister, Mary Webb was also living with them, she is listed as a paupers cloth finisher? Ive traced Thomas in the 1851 census as a lodger (if my research is correct) at
gloucester rd, upton st leonards, gloucester, he is listed as being unmarried, and occupation is carpenter. Jane I am very interested in as she would be my great great grandmother. She had left and married in 1845 to a John Haskins. Has anybody else any connections with this Webb Family,
or any tips on how I can trace more. From my research so far, it looks like they were all employed
in milling trade. Thanks, any tips, help, info will be greatly received