« on: Thursday 27 February 14 12:39 GMT (UK) »
Hi all,
Looking for some help on 4xGGPs who came to UK from Sweden probably between 1810 & 1816.
I have discovered that my 3xGGM (Matilda Caroline b 1819 in Portsea Hampshire) was the daughter of an Andrew Peter & Hannah Cecilia Lynch in Portsea. Andrew Peter Lynch died young in 1828 (Portsea) but HC lived on for many years and is recorded in 1841 census as being born in Foreign Parts and in the 1851 census as being born in Sweden.
I have found a marriage record for an Andrew Peter Lindh and Anna Cecilia Bergren in Portsea in 1816. Is this couple my 4xGGPs? and did they anglicise their surname after marriage (also Anna becomes Hannah). A son Charles Frederik Lindh is born to Andrew Peter & Anna Cecilia Lindh in 1817 but I can find no other trace of him and them my 3xGGM is born in 1819 to Andrew Peter & Hannah Cecilia Lynch. It seems too much of a coincidence that this isn't the same family especially as seem to have been based in Portsea throughout their lives (short life in the case of Andrew). In the 1841 census there is also an Andrew Lynch aged 15 which I am assuming(!) is the son of Hannah and sister of Matilda (also living with Hannah). I have been unable to find a birth record for an Andrew Lynch though.
All of this rambling leads me to believe that both Andrew and Anna(Hannah) were Swedish born. Is there any way of tracking down their emigration from Sweden or Immigration to UK.
I thought about buying the 1816 marriage record but in those days details of origin and father was not generally recorded as there was no requirement.
Any help gratefully received as always.
Turner (Chobham, Surrey area), Thirlwell, Bishop, Baigent, Cadwell, Prisgrove, Spooner, Skipper, Sergeant (Sargent), Fisher, Heather, Cox, Terry, Lewis, Lynch (Lindh), Perrett, Daniels, Hooper, Kerr, Gaukrodger, Hesseltine, Holland
UK, Australia, Sweden, New Zealand (in-laws family)