Hey, thank you all bucketloads! for ferreting about and finding all that information. What a huge family my grandmother had. Little wonder she was "farmed out" - and to a farmer!! She never mentioned her parents, so I guess that she had accepted her grandparents as her parents. She said she had a wonderful childhood in a lovely environment. I have a picture of her as a young teacher standing outside her home - will have to dig it out and see how it compares to the very attractive Google image of Elm House. Her grandpa, she said, used to make excellent apple cider, and locals used to stop by complaining of ailments and asking for a medicinal draught of his brew. She left England for South Africa to marry in 1910 her childhood sweetheart who had gone out earlier to join the forces in the Boer War. He had a much admired singing voice when young, apparently. She was a sweet-tempered kindly lady, who used to press a half-crown into my hand on her regular Sunday visit with her husband. went blind late in life as a widow which was a great pity. She had only one child, my father.