« Reply #1 on: Tuesday 10 June 14 13:20 BST (UK) »
I saw something on the County Council website, probably the bit to do with the RO, that suggested they may be doing it in house so fingers crossed it'll be colour scans of the original registers and not the usual digitisation of the greyscale fiche/films of which a lot aren't that clear (as we own copies of quite a few on fiche).

If they are due online later this year, I doubt it would be with FindMyPast unless they're not going to be indexed as it would take much longer to index them. I've no issues with unindexed registers, no different to going through them at the RO or on fiche at home.

The piece I saw suggested they wanted to rationalise opening hours, closing on a Wednesday each week, which would allow staff to digitise "the most popular collections".
While in house may mean another SEAX, at least the RO would get all the income and would benefit the Record Office service. Still cheaper than a regular trip to one of the Records Offices for most of us.
(KENT) Lingwell, Rayment (BUCKS) Read, Hutchins (SRY) Costin, Westbrook (DOR) Gibbs, Goreing (DUR) Green (ESX) Rudland, Malden, Rouse, Boosey (FIFE) Foulis, Russell (NFK) Johnson, Farthing, Purdy, Barsham (GLOS) Collett, Morris, Freebury, May, Kirkman (HERTS) Winchester, Linford (NORTHANTS) Bird, Brimley, Chater, Wilford, Read, Chapman, Jeys, Marston, Lumley (WILTS) Arden, Whatley, Batson, Gleed, Greenhill (SOM) Coombs, Watkins (RUT) Stafford (BERKS) Sansom, Angel, Young, Stratton, Weeks, Day