Author Topic: Suffolk parish registers to go online?  (Read 63022 times)

Offline BradyCMH

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Re: Suffolk parish registers to go online?
« Reply #216 on: Sunday 10 November 24 16:19 GMT (UK) »
I think perhaps we should be cautious with our enthusiasm! My ancestor wrote in 1840 that incumbents in Orford had been very remiss in carrying out their registration duties and there were yawning gaps in records, and that dates did not match up. As I have suggested before, if no record was made, none will be found.  I daresay the draw of fox hunting and other more leisurely pursuits attractions in those times distracted the clerks from their duties in other parishes as well, and so, though I am avidly awaiting the publication, I am fully prepared for deep disappointment.  In other words, to me the glass has volume and vacancy in equal measure!
HOLLINSHED, BRADY of Orford, Suffolk, Essex, Woolley, Stockport & London; THURSTON, SYER, CRABBE, ALLDIS, RIPPER, BATTALAY, BATELL. CHANDLER of Suffolk; PARR, &LAKE & LONG, Essex; WIKE, of Bury, London & Canterbury; OPENSHAW, ORMEROD of Bury, Lancs; BROTHERSON of St. Croix; MANGNALL & CUNLIFFE of Stockport; BEECH of Broughton; BARNETT, INGRAM of Lincs & Cambs; BRODIE/BRADY  North East Scotland; PAGE, GRAY, McKENZIE, McDOWELL, HOLT & MARTIN N.Ireland

Offline coombs

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Re: Suffolk parish registers to go online?
« Reply #217 on: Monday 11 November 24 16:30 GMT (UK) »
My Orford ancestors were in the 1600s and late 1500s, some were Mayors of Orford and one ancestor William Beversham, travelled to France and Poland and had trade links to Newcastle and Castle Bromwich in Warwickshire.

Also sometimes if there was 2 people of the same name in the same parish and you cannot find out which baptism is your ancestor and seem to have exhausted all known records, you may have to forget the whole business and may never be sure which is your ancestor, for example if there was 2 John Keeble's baptised in the same parish one in 1725 and one in 1726. And neither seemed to die as a baby.

LONDON, Coombs, Roberts, Auber, Helsdon, Fradine, Morin, Goodacre
DORSET Coombs, Munday
NORFOLK Helsdon, Riches, Harbord, Budery
KENT Roberts, Goodacre
SUSSEX Walder, Boniface, Dinnage, Standen, Lee, Botten, Wickham, Jupp
SUFFOLK Titshall, Frost, Fairweather, Mayhew, Archer, Eade, Scarfe
DURHAM Stewart, Musgrave, Wilson, Forster
SCOTLAND Stewart in Selkirk
USA Musgrave, Saix
ESSEX Cornwell, Stock, Quilter, Lawrence, Whale, Clift
OXON Edgington, Smith, Inkpen, Snell, Batten, Brain

Offline jonwicken

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Re: Suffolk parish registers to go online?
« Reply #218 on: Friday 10 January 25 22:44 GMT (UK) »
We don't seem to be far off now from the registers being published.

I just wonder when "early 2025" means?!

But not long to go!

I was in Suffolk last week on a family history trip, so am very much looking forward to them being up and ready to look at.

Offline BradyCMH

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Re: Suffolk parish registers to go online?
« Reply #219 on: Saturday 11 January 25 09:17 GMT (UK) »
I had one or two notices from A. later on in 2024 inviting me to resubscribe at a discounted price and promising millions more records (not necessarily in Suffolk!) including the 1921 census.  On the great day all that came was the census,  which of course has been available for some time now on FindMyPast.  Frustrating, isn’t it?

Call me a sceptic, but I am wondering they intend to charge a premium to inspect these new records – when they come.
HOLLINSHED, BRADY of Orford, Suffolk, Essex, Woolley, Stockport & London; THURSTON, SYER, CRABBE, ALLDIS, RIPPER, BATTALAY, BATELL. CHANDLER of Suffolk; PARR, &LAKE & LONG, Essex; WIKE, of Bury, London & Canterbury; OPENSHAW, ORMEROD of Bury, Lancs; BROTHERSON of St. Croix; MANGNALL & CUNLIFFE of Stockport; BEECH of Broughton; BARNETT, INGRAM of Lincs & Cambs; BRODIE/BRADY  North East Scotland; PAGE, GRAY, McKENZIE, McDOWELL, HOLT & MARTIN N.Ireland

Offline BradyCMH

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Re: Suffolk parish registers to go online?
« Reply #220 on: Saturday 11 January 25 11:10 GMT (UK) »
coombs,...If you had the same name as one of the mayors, then perhaps he would be a common ancestor to yourself and someone else living who has taken a y-DNA test? That would prove which was the appropriate baptism.  In fact, although the mayors would be way back beyond the number of generations for which autosomal DNA is reckoned normally to give a fruitful result, might you not possibly get a useful match that way too?

If you have a list of mayors and portmen for Orford in the 1600s and 1700s I would very much like to know how I could obtain a copy. I know some of my Bradys & Hollinsheds were at least portmen, but I have little idea in which years. 
HOLLINSHED, BRADY of Orford, Suffolk, Essex, Woolley, Stockport & London; THURSTON, SYER, CRABBE, ALLDIS, RIPPER, BATTALAY, BATELL. CHANDLER of Suffolk; PARR, &LAKE & LONG, Essex; WIKE, of Bury, London & Canterbury; OPENSHAW, ORMEROD of Bury, Lancs; BROTHERSON of St. Croix; MANGNALL & CUNLIFFE of Stockport; BEECH of Broughton; BARNETT, INGRAM of Lincs & Cambs; BRODIE/BRADY  North East Scotland; PAGE, GRAY, McKENZIE, McDOWELL, HOLT & MARTIN N.Ireland

Offline coombs

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Re: Suffolk parish registers to go online?
« Reply #221 on: Sunday 12 January 25 12:51 GMT (UK) »
coombs,...If you had the same name as one of the mayors, then perhaps he would be a common ancestor to yourself and someone else living who has taken a y-DNA test? That would prove which was the appropriate baptism.  In fact, although the mayors would be way back beyond the number of generations for which autosomal DNA is reckoned normally to give a fruitful result, might you not possibly get a useful match that way too?

If you have a list of mayors and portmen for Orford in the 1600s and 1700s I would very much like to know how I could obtain a copy. I know some of my Bradys & Hollinsheds were at least portmen, but I have little idea in which years.

Hi I do not have an actual list, I have just gone by wills and transcripts of some slabs in churchyards but have never found an actual list of Mayors of Orford, but would love to find a list. The only way to perhaps do so is visit Orford to see if it has a list of mayors over the years. William Beversham's daughter wed John Coggeshall in Orford and he died in 1631, and he was said to be 3 times Mayor of Orford but I am unsure which years.

LONDON, Coombs, Roberts, Auber, Helsdon, Fradine, Morin, Goodacre
DORSET Coombs, Munday
NORFOLK Helsdon, Riches, Harbord, Budery
KENT Roberts, Goodacre
SUSSEX Walder, Boniface, Dinnage, Standen, Lee, Botten, Wickham, Jupp
SUFFOLK Titshall, Frost, Fairweather, Mayhew, Archer, Eade, Scarfe
DURHAM Stewart, Musgrave, Wilson, Forster
SCOTLAND Stewart in Selkirk
USA Musgrave, Saix
ESSEX Cornwell, Stock, Quilter, Lawrence, Whale, Clift
OXON Edgington, Smith, Inkpen, Snell, Batten, Brain

Offline BradyCMH

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Re: Suffolk parish registers to go online?
« Reply #222 on: Sunday 12 January 25 17:40 GMT (UK) »
I am afraid it looks like another call to that distant, impenetrable, Record Office in Ipswich!
HOLLINSHED, BRADY of Orford, Suffolk, Essex, Woolley, Stockport & London; THURSTON, SYER, CRABBE, ALLDIS, RIPPER, BATTALAY, BATELL. CHANDLER of Suffolk; PARR, &LAKE & LONG, Essex; WIKE, of Bury, London & Canterbury; OPENSHAW, ORMEROD of Bury, Lancs; BROTHERSON of St. Croix; MANGNALL & CUNLIFFE of Stockport; BEECH of Broughton; BARNETT, INGRAM of Lincs & Cambs; BRODIE/BRADY  North East Scotland; PAGE, GRAY, McKENZIE, McDOWELL, HOLT & MARTIN N.Ireland

Offline coombs

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Re: Suffolk parish registers to go online?
« Reply #223 on: Sunday 12 January 25 19:50 GMT (UK) »
It is only an hour and a half from me, last time I went there was in 2006.

LONDON, Coombs, Roberts, Auber, Helsdon, Fradine, Morin, Goodacre
DORSET Coombs, Munday
NORFOLK Helsdon, Riches, Harbord, Budery
KENT Roberts, Goodacre
SUSSEX Walder, Boniface, Dinnage, Standen, Lee, Botten, Wickham, Jupp
SUFFOLK Titshall, Frost, Fairweather, Mayhew, Archer, Eade, Scarfe
DURHAM Stewart, Musgrave, Wilson, Forster
SCOTLAND Stewart in Selkirk
USA Musgrave, Saix
ESSEX Cornwell, Stock, Quilter, Lawrence, Whale, Clift
OXON Edgington, Smith, Inkpen, Snell, Batten, Brain