may i warm up this case ? sometimes its good to leave for a while and come back with another point of view.
let me sum up:
Florian Sigwarth had a son named Augustine Florian, born 1876 in Marylebone.
On the ship document its mentioned that a Florian Sigwarth (counting his age back to birth year) born 1886, exact 10 years younger then he is.
in this ship document its mentioned that he is a draughtsman. As living Adress in England its mentioned Fairlight house, Kilburn, which is around 15 minutes from Marylebone..
in the death-document of that Florian that died january 1962 its also mentioned he`s a draftman. i assume, seldom name, age exact 10 year difference, same job, should be a mistery, if we are not talking about the same person....
what do you think ?