I talking about connecting recent Murphy families to the old line.
There is too many Murphys and not enough old records.
yes i knowthis how do i know which murphy is mine,
but if the history records say that this was the very first murphy .i have to go by this
and if i have a brick wall in my family,it still stands that i come from the first murphy known
so i have to take it that the son of the last king of leinster,was related to me
i know there must be other surnames who have changed there names to murphy ,but as i dont know this about my own family i have to take it was murphy.
i have john murphy born 1700 died 1770 the last bard of blarney castle .and if you go before him there was daithi o murchu or david murphy,and if you go to blarney castel they have paintings of there family going right back ,and as the first one there 1620 was the sons of the king of lienster,who changed his name to murphy,gives you a little true history,
we knowalso from our history books that cromwell went to ireland wexford where the murphys farmed and took there farms away from them giving them all the land in tipperary .ballmore and cashel,then he sent for the Dunford family from Lancashire and Yorkshire to farm Wexford ,
but some murphys must have stayed and worked in dublin
so this was the big break up of the murphy clan
but the ones who stayed called them selves o morchoe chief of the murphy clan of wexford
now there is a lot in the history books,people say how do you know your a murphy,someonedowntheline might have changed there name to murphy,butbyou cant think this way you will not get anywhere,also they say there is 50 000 murphysw in ireland andmore then double that in america,they could not come from two men,but do alittle maths but before you start ,my wife garnd father had 6 sons ,her father had 5 sons,but her brother had 11 sons,so lets do some maths shall we and prove them all wrong
king of leinster
two sons 1620
each son had 8 children we nowv have16 children 1640
each child again had 8 children 16 x8 =58 1660
each child again had 8 children 58 x 8= 464 1680
each child again has 8 children 464 x 8 -3712 1700
each child again has 8 children 3712 x 8= 29696 1720
----------------------------- 29696 x 8 =237,568 1840
------------------------------ 237 568 x 8 = 1900544 1860
------------------------------1900544 x 8 = 15204352 1880
------------------------------15204352 x 8 = 121534816 1900 we have another 100 years
to go and we now have 121 million 534.816 more then enough murphys ,i know you cant count the women born as they lose there name in marraige,but i think we still have enough to prove that two men could have produced all these murphys,