Author Topic: McCobb Glenn Latta Donegal Ireland, Ohio U.S.  (Read 5707 times)

Offline smbenm

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McCobb Glenn Latta Donegal Ireland, Ohio U.S.
« on: Sunday 14 September 14 15:14 BST (UK) »
Hi ,

  I am researching my great great grandmother's family , McCobb of Errity Manorcunningham, Co. Donegal. THe McCobbs settled at Errity during the Plantation of Ulster. They came over from Scotland.  Recently I have read a lot about the McCobb and Latta families that went over from Donegal to the U.S. I am paticularly intersted in the family of William McCobb and Margaret Glenn who emigrated from 'Airsty' Donegal to the U.S. in 1837.  This is interesting as I cannot find anywhere called 'Airsty' , but it sounds a lot like 'Errity', and McCobb is a rare name around Donegal.  It appears that William McCobb and Margaret Glenn had a son Thomas J. McCobb who was born in Ireland in 1825 and died in Oneida Ohio in 1916.  I would like to get more information on the McCobbs, in the U.S. and in Scotland. Can Anyone help?


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Re: McCobb Glenn Latta Donegal Ireland, Ohio U.S.
« Reply #1 on: Sunday 14 September 14 15:46 BST (UK) »
The family went over to New York, from Liverpool arriving 26th October 1837, there was William, Margaret, a Catherine McCobb born 1794, (possibly William's sister) Cath Jane b1823, Mary b 1824, Thomas b 1826 and Margaret b 1828, the ship was the Clarissa Andrews. In the 1850 and 1860 census they were farming in South Shenango, Crawford, Pennsylvania.
Muckley, Routledge, Roe, Bontoft, Brumpton, Bills, Aspatria, Carlisle

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Re: McCobb Glenn Latta Donegal Ireland, Ohio U.S.
« Reply #2 on: Sunday 14 September 14 18:59 BST (UK) »
Thanks Carol,
 I'm hoping to locate a living descendant of the McCobbs. I have a cousin in Chicago who has done some DNA research. It would be nice if we could link the U.S. McCobbs back to Errity in Donegal.


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Re: McCobb Glenn Latta Donegal Ireland, Ohio U.S.
« Reply #3 on: Sunday 23 November 14 07:26 GMT (UK) »
Hello, I am Allan McCobb, the self appointed McCobb family genealogist. I have been researching all of the McCobb's in the world for over 20 years. Although McCobb is a very limited surname, there were a significant number of them throughout Donegal County in the 1700s and 1800s
Sioban, if you are descended from an Errity line, you must be a descendant of Margaret, born 1844 (daughter of James) who married William Semple. Unfortunately, I can't find any records of McCobbs in Errity, earlier than her Father James, born in the early 1800's. Records are very sporadic in that era. I also couldn't find an "Airisty" and it could possibly be Errity, but can't confirm.
I am descended from Samuel, born 1707 in Ireland and came to Maine about 1724. My cousin John and I are trying to complete our McCobb Family History and Genealogy book by next year

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Re: McCobb Glenn Latta Donegal Ireland, Ohio U.S.
« Reply #4 on: Sunday 23 November 14 18:18 GMT (UK) »
Hi Allan,

 So nice to hear from you at last! I have read many of your posts on the Internet with great interest and I have tried to e-mail you, but my e-mails were returned.

Yes , I am a descendant of William Semple and Margaret McCobb, who are my gt. gt grandparents. Their daughter Mary Semple is my gt. grandmother. Her 2nd husband was Edward McCoy. William & Margaret  had 14 or 15 children, so their descendants are dispersed all over the world. Among them is Mark Weber of Chicago. He is a grandson of William George Semple, a brother of my gt. grandmother Mary Semple. He has made great progress recently connecting up with the Semple descendants. Mark is very interested in verifying connections with the McCobbs using DNA. He, my uncle Edward McCoy and my cousin Susan McCoy-West have donated samples to the 123andme database. It would be interesting if a DNA connection could be made with the McCobbs stateside. If you know of anyone who would be willing to give a sample, I will let Mark know.

Regarding the townland of 'Errity'. It is just outside the village of Manorcunningham.  It is in the civil parish of Raymoghy, which is next to the civil parish of Taughboyne, where some of the Lattas hailed from. I have seen 'Errity' referred to as 'Irrity' but never 'Airsty'.  I have checked the Internet, Google Maps and the Irish Ordinance Survey and I cannot find 'Airsty'. I am assuming that it is transscribed wrongly or misheard. The Tithe applottment Books of 1826 list a Widow McCobb at Jirity /Irrity ?

The McCobb farm at Errity is now owned by David McClean. His father bought it from Patterson of Tullybogley around 1948.  The last McCobb willed the farm to Patterson who were distant relations of the McCobbs. My knowlege of the MCobbs in Donegal is very patchy. The census records only go back to 1901. Much of the census records before 1901 were destroyed by fire in the War of Independence around 1922. Also. the government pulped a lot of records to make paper during WWII. What a shame! When I get the time, I hope to look at the Presbyterian church records to figure out the relationships between the McCobbs in Donegal.  I know that the Dowds of Manorcunningham , and the Crawfords of Burt are also descendents. THere was also an Edward McCobb in Raphoe. And another Edward McCobb in Cloghglass, Killmacreanan and later in Golan, Milford. The Golan McCobb family appears to have changed their name to McCabe. THere also was a McCobb family living at Anne St, Dundalk Co. Louth in 1901. The parents, John McCobb and Ellen McAuley, were originally from Donegal. They married in 1881 in Raphoe civil parish. John's father was Edward McCobb and Ellen's father was John McAuley.

The other civil records are the Griffiths Valuations which list McCobb at Errity and Raymoghy. Also. The Civil Bill Ejectments lists a Catharine McCobb .

THere are very few McCobbs left in Donegal now. Keith McCobb at Ballyholey and a Joanne McCobb in Buncrana ( Phonebook ). Perhaps they might have some information.

I was wondering whether you know who the original McCobb planter was? and where did they come from in Scotland?



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Re: McCobb Glenn Latta Donegal Ireland, Ohio U.S.
« Reply #5 on: Sunday 23 November 14 21:48 GMT (UK) »
Hello again,
Since you have my full name (and I don't know your last name), why don't you friend me on Facebook, so I can give you my email in a private message.
 My cousin John and I have both done the  paternal DNA and also their new general DNA (which I find to be worthless). Unfortunately, the paternal is the only way to confirm McCobb connection and it requires the male to be a McCobb.
I have tracked all of the McCobbs and anyone with that surname since 1950, can be traced to only 6 ancestors. 1. Thomas of Raymoghy, who married Catherine Patterson and has a number of descendants still in Northern Ireland. 2. Edward (born abt 1801) of Raphoe and later Dundalk with numerous descendants in Great Britain and one family in Dublin area. 3. My Samuel (born 1707) who was joined in the US by his mother Beatrice and 3 brothers (but their male lines ended long ago). 4. Samuel born in 1775, either in Maine or in Ireland. We suspect he is a descendant of my Samuel, but can't find the specific connection. 5. Another Samuel, born abt 1803, the progenitor of the Pennsylvania line. And 6. James, born about 1887, an African American line, but don't believe they have any direct connection. Now, there are some maternal descendants with other McCobb Ancestors to this present day, such as the Semples, but they don't carry forward the McCobb surname.

Unfortunately, early Scottish records don't have any McCobb's. Even though its known that we originally came from Scotland, all McCobbs of record had their ancestors born in Ireland. We have been connected to the Scottish Stewart of Appin clan and are allowed to wear their tartan.

I believe that your Margaret went to Australia in Nov 1863 to visit her sister Jane, before she married William Semple in Aug, 1864. Actually, 3 sisters, Jane, Martha, and Isabella (married Thomas Heylen), married and stayed in Australia. I believe only Isabella Heylen has any current descendants.
William McCobb who married Margaret Glenn has no McCobb surname descendants. Mary McCobb who married a Latta, had a brother James McCobb (born 1734 and son of a William) who settled in New York but he had no sons, only 3 daughters.
That's all for now
By the way, in Russell, Kansas

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Re: McCobb Glenn Latta Donegal Ireland, Ohio U.S.
« Reply #6 on: Sunday 23 November 14 23:13 GMT (UK) »

Hi Allen,
             My Surname is Mulligan. My father hailed from Co. Leitrim. He met my mother, who is McCoy from Letterkenny, during the war, or the Emergancy, as it was known here.  I have Scottish ancestry on both sides of the family. I am not on Facebook, but I am on ancestry as 'SiobhanMulligan'.

That is very intersting stuff about the McCobb DNA, but I am not well up on DNA. If it's OK with you , I will pass it on to Mark Weber.

I am Amazed that Margaret McCobb went to Audtrailia at such a young age. I thought that Thomas , Matthew, Joseph and Eliza, listed in the 1901 census , were her siblings. None of these were married in 1901. I understand that Thomas died in 1912, Joseph emigated to Chicago and Eliza died in 1918. I don't know what became of Matthew. I also thought that Catherine McCobb, who arried John Dowd, was another. I had not heard of Jane, Martha or Isabella. Obviously I need to do more research on this. Did you get these details from other McCobb Descendants?



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Re: McCobb Glenn Latta Donegal Ireland, Ohio U.S.
« Reply #7 on: Tuesday 25 November 14 09:58 GMT (UK) »
We don't usually include family trees in our McCobb book unless they have at least 3 generations of the McCobb surname. Your James McCobb line did have 3 McCobb males, but all remained single. However, when I found the Australian connection and that the Heylen line has present day descendants, as does your Semple line, we decided to add James as our Ancestor 23. Since our database is already 5500 names and the surname directory is already 30 pages, we only carry the maternal lines down 2 generations. If we tried to add all of the Semple descendants, it would be too much. It looks like the mccoywest public tree in Ancestry is fairly complete, so we will use it.
In my very extensive research, I have looked at every census page for any McCobb, including variant spellings. I probly spent 15 hours just trying to connect Jane, Martha, and Isabella in Australia. I hit the jackpot when looking at their immigration documents. Jane was the first one there and she served as the sponsor for Martha, Margaret, and Isabella. On Apr 10, 1862, Jane made deposits for Margaret, age 18 and Martha, age 20. Martha arrived in Aust on Jan 18, 1863. On her manifest, it said she was from Raymoghy and that her parents were James and Nancy McCobb and that Jane was her sister. On May 19, 1863, Margaret applied for a deposit refund (Jane finally got it in 1868), because she never did embark. But, then on Nov 19, 1863, Margaret (once again), age 19, and Isabella, only 14 had deposits made by Jane for their immigration. On Dec 5, 1863, Martha arrived in Australia. On Jan 28, 1864, Isabella arrived and her home was shown as Manorcunningham and she was sponsored by sisters Martha and Jane. Ultimately, it appears that Margaret never did join her sisters in Australia. These records are on
Feel free to share this info with Susan and Mark or whoever.

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Re: McCobb Glenn Latta Donegal Ireland, Ohio U.S.
« Reply #8 on: Tuesday 25 November 14 19:42 GMT (UK) »
Hi Allen,
      I think your research on the emmigration records pretty much settles it. Thank you so much for that information and I will send it on to Mark and Susan. I hope to follow on from that using the church records.
I let Mark know that you were in touch and relayed your information on the DNA. I don't claim to understand how DNA information  is used, but I understand from Mark that there is utility in maternal DNA.  He has asked me to let you know that he would take care of supplying the kit etc if there was a volunteer from the U.S. McCobb line, perhaps a descendent of William McCobb and Margaret Glenn. If you wish to discuss the DNA stuff with him I can provide you with his e-mail.

I will be very interested to read your book when it comes out next year. If I come on any new information I will let you know. 
Now that I think of it , rootchat does not allow you to send e-mail addresses in messages. However, I am in ancestry as SiobhanMulligan.

Take care
