Firstly let me thank you all for the info you shared with me on my first post to this site but due to miss communication not on my part i might add i feel your efforts had been wasted so my apologes for that i will do it bit by bit so if i may start i need help tracing records on my ganddad
Eric J Boyce born 17 july 1924
born in co down in ireland, lurgan town
died in 1973 in the westmidlands
aged 49
served in the raf during WW2 and went to Germany and Australia
he married my nan married Lillian ward name then changed to boyce and had a daughter called amanda boyce
OTHER INFO I KNOW ABOUT Eric Boyce if it helps
eric's farther william boyce also from ireland served during serving in the boer war and did revive medals yet unknown to which medals
not confirmed i think he may have served in the raf 2nd Lieutenant - East Yorkshire Regiment
served during ww2
Eric Boyce also had 3 brothers reggie alva and kenny